Wake up call

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I texted Becky immediately I got home because I won't be able to come over for the movie night due to the pile of paperwork that I have to attend to at home.

I settled on my couch and I began to work. After several hours of typing, calculating and sorting files containing the  company finances, I slept off on the couch.

The next day ,I woke up to my phone ringing, probably that was what woke me up. I was still in my clothes from yesterday.

I searched around for the phone because I couldn't find it,the couch was a mess. Then I felt my butt vibrating, oh that's where it is.

I was shocked to see who was calling, it was my mom, why is she calling me and why didn't she call since she left home.

"Hello"I said coldly as I answered the phone.

"Oh sweety,how are you doing, can you hear me ?"She sounded so happy because I picked her call.

"I'm so sorry I haven't called you or checked up on you and Sekani, I learnt you were able to send him off to college."She said all in one breath not giving me a chance to speak.

"Mom, it's fine he's my responsibility now "I said coldly.

"My dear, I know you are mad at me and the way I left you two but I left home and I was starting my life over again, it's rough and I was busy looking for a job to settle all my bills"She sounded so sad like she was pleading. I got up from the couch and glanced around the living room then my eyes landed on the clock.

It was 9:00am. I am two hours late for work and I haven't dressed nor prepared for work.

"Mom,can we talk about this another time I need to go to work now"I cut her as she was still explaining.

"Okay why don't we meet up to talk about things over lunch"My mom sounded so desperate to meet up with me.

"Okay fine I'd call you and tell you when I'm ready to see you, bye mom"I hung up and I had no time to dress up and refresh so I brushed my mouth and combed my hair heading to work with the same clothes I wore yersterday.

Thank goodness I have a car now, I was able to get to work as fast as possible.

I reached the office and I opened up the door to Drake's office revealing Mr Orchard and Drake standing in front of my desk with disturbed faces.

Drake looked up at me with disgust when he realized I was still wearing my yesterday clothes and to be honest I wasn't looking good at all.

"Did you wake up in a bar or something ?"He asked with annoyance.

"No and I'm so sorry I'm late, I stayed up half through the night working on the files I took home and....."I was cut short by Drake who began speaking harshly towards Mr Orchard.

"You see what I'm saying, she's not competent, she's lazy and rude! I don't even know why you would use such person as a representative for your company."I was surprised at how he spoke to someone as elderly as Mr Orchard in that manner, and from how I've been trained, you don't speak to elders with a raised tone.

"You and I might have issues we are contending with but that doesn't mean you can talk to my boss any how you feel like it "I blurted out.

"Mr Orchard,just get her out of here"He said walking to his desk to get back to work while Mr Orchard ushered me out of the office.

"Mr Orchard, I'm so sorry..."I was cut short by him.

"Skai don't say a word, you've said so much already, let's just have breakfast"Mr Orchard said in a firm but nice tone as we approached the elevator.

We were seated in a classy cafe that had the aroma of freshly baked pastries with the steaming scent of coffee. We were served with coffee and a bagel.

"Skai, do you know why I picked you for this contract ?"He asked taking a sip from his coffee.

"You said I had good qualifications and potentials"I said looking down at the freshly baked bagel on my plate.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg,why don't you come over to my place tomorrow so we could talk in depth about this "He said talking a bite out of his bagel. Noticing my inconvenience with his request he said "Don't worry my family would be home and you can have dinner with us. "

Mr Orchard was a very nice man and he always made me feel comfortable, he was a nice and caring boss compared to Drake.

"Okay then, it'd be an honour sir"I said with relief.

"Good! I'd send the address to you later on"He said briefly before sipping his coffee.

"There is something you should know about people Skai"He said dropping his cup of coffee on the table , while he looked straight into my eyes.

"What's that ?"I asked in suspense.

"It's not everyone or everything that needs a reaction, Skai"He said putting out his hands to stop me from talking.

"You are a good employee with nice qualification and you care deeply about those around you but because of that care you react unnecessarily to unnecessary things making you lose focus. "He said taking off his glasses then looking back into my eyes.

"Drake is a person with so many unattractive qualities , he treats anyone anyhow he feels like because he's the boss of the top profit making company he knows all other company pass through him to make success that's why we don't stand up to him or make a scene"He sounded low and adjusted his tie.

"But that's not right , we have to let him know he can't treat us like trash because he's way ahead of us in the business world."I said with annoyance due to what Mr Orchard said.

"Now that's where you get it wrong Skai, we have a goal there , to make the contract successful and gain the trust of the company and when you close the contract successfully what's happens ?" He asked me with and arched brow.

"I get to be part of the bosses that manage your company"I said looking down at my coffee that I haven't touched since we were served.

"Good but if you keep taking offense at everything Drake does or throws at you, making fights and scenes with him, you might not achieve that. "He said and his words made sense to me but I was too stubborn to let that sink in until he gave an illustration that sunk deep into my brain.

"If there's a race , there are runners isn't it ?"he asked me.

"Yes "I answered wondering where he's going with this.

"What goal do all of them have ?"He asked immediately.

"To win the race."I said still confused.

"Good but what if one of the spectators throws harsh comments or insults at one of the runner complaining he's too slow would the runner stop to confront the spectator ?"He said before sipping on his coffee.

"No that'd be absurd , he'd lose the race, he'd ignore and increase his pace"I said thinking about how foolish a runner would be to do that.

"Exactly! So why let Drake stop you from winning your own race,because you and that runner have a lot in common."Then it became clear to me what point he was driving at.

"I ...I ...I don't know what to say , I'm speechless."I said still marvelled by his good use of illustration.

"It's okay Skai, you don't need to say anything, just think deeply about it and get back to work " He said standing up to leave then he left the cafe.

I just had a wake up call, life is not all about making response to everything or making people bend to your own morals. If I want to get this deal done successfully, I have to put up with Drake and ignore his bad habits.

I'm like that runner and I won't let Drake or any other person make me lose the race I'm running which is my life.

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