A new Boss

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I called Becky immediately I got home to tell her about the good news. She picked up immediately on the first ring.

"Heyyyyyy"I said immediately letting her know how happy I was.

"Slow down ,look who's in a good mood , what's going on ?" Becky replied with a bit of laughter in her voice.

"I got a really cool contract with the Johnson's Empire......."I explained how the contract and meeting went.

"What ?!!! That's awesome I'm coming over we are going out to celebrate, dress up babe."she squealed for Joy.

"And do you know what this means ? We get to be workmates !" Becky said afterwards but her words put me in confusion.

"What do you mean ?"I asked .

"Don't you remember last weekend when I told you about Johnson's Empire.....Drake Johnson.....hello ???"then I was put into a state of realization that this was the same company Becky worked with which means her cold and arrogant boss would be my boss now.

How could I have forgotten this ,well he can't be bad as Becky says, she exaggerates most times.

"Ohh I'm so sorry , I forgot , wow so I get to see your fine boss every day"I said with laughter.

"You old woman , and that makes our boss now, so get ready I'm coming over to take you out."She said all in one breath then hanging up.

I rushed to my bathroom, increased the music that was playing in my room using my Bluetooth speaker. I danced and sang for joy in the bathroom making me slip severally.

I decided to wear a black sleeveless jumpsuit with some sandals and let my hair loose. Immediately I came out of my apartment, I saw Becky waiting in her car.

We were in a bar that had so many disco light , the people were so many, drinking and having small talks around the corner with whoever they came with. Becky and I took seats at the drinks counter in front of the bar tender.

"I'd like 6 shot of tequila, bring apple juice for the other lady, she's too weak"Becky said giving me a crazy look.

"Don't judge me Becky, I don't like alcohol and it's going to stay that way"I said in my defense. Since when I tasted alcohol for the first time when I turned 18,I never really liked it so I refrained from it.

"Whatever let's have our drinks"she said handing me my own cup while she took her shots one after the other without stopping.

"Slow down, you better don't get drunk because I ain't driving you home"I said getting up from my seat stretching my hands to pull her up.

"Come on let's go dance!"I said pulling her up with one of her hands in mine while she wiped off the drops of tequila on her lips.

We danced crazily and waved our hair every which way in the air while we held each other dancing awkwardly. I was exhausted from dancing so I decided to go take a sit back at where we previously sat while Becky kept on dancing away.

Then a hand tapped me on my shoulders. I turned to see who it was, those jawlines, curly hair and built figure. Where have I seen this man, he looked so familiar.

"Hey I'm Drake Johnson, what's your name ?"His words clicked in my brain. I can't believe I'm talking to my future boss in a bar. I didn't want to tell him I'd be a new worker at his company so I pretended like I didn't know who he was.

"Oh hi, I'm Skai"I said shyly while he took a seat by my side.

"Wow nice name for a nice looking lady, are you seriously drinking that ?"He asked looking at my apple drink with an amused face.

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