Mood Swing

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A million thoughts flooded my mind as we drove down to Mr Orchard's home. I wasn't feeling sad as I used to but I just felt calm.

Drake suggested that we pay Mr Orchard's family a visit before we head home because he wanted to extend his condolences to the family.

"You okay ? We could go another time if you're not comfortable." Drake said as he rubbed the back of my hands.

"No I'm okay,we can go today." I assured him with a smile.

"You have a nice smile." He smirked at me as he leaned back into his seat.

"Okay what got into you, you've been giving me cheesy remarks since know??" I gestured my hands to and fro in the air trying to remind him of our kiss.

"Well if you like something,you go for it." He chuckled as he closed his eyes and rested his head backwards like when was about to take a nap.

"Are you going....." He put his hands out in front of me to stop me from talking.

"Enough, I'm tired."He ended the discussion as he shifted towards me and rested his heads on my laps and stretched his one of his leg on the car seats.

"Get your heavy head up." I flicked his forehead as he looked up at me from where he laid.

He smirked at me before closing his eyes and folding his arms above his torso. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness as I relaxed myself into the seat and I spotted James smiling at me from the rear view mirror,and I returned him the gesture.


We arrived at Mr Orchard's mansion after some hours,I looked at Drake who was still sleeping peacefully on my laps.

I was about to tap him awake when he opened his eyes and gave me an awkward smile.

"How was your sleep ?" I asked him as I gave him a sassy look.

"I never slept,I just wanted to relax myself." He said as he got up from where he laid and sat upright in his seat.

I gave him a scowl as I hurried down from the car, he's so unbelievable, he just laid on my laps for 3 hours just to relax,what an excuse.

He also got out of the car and we walked towards the doorstep where a maid stood with her hands flooded behind her.

"Mr Johnson ?" She inquired as she have a slight bow.

"Yeah." Drake answered her and immediately she gestured for us to come into the house.

We walked into the house and the familiar scent of Mr Orchard's home filled my nose as I took a seat in one of the cushion in the living room.

"Hello Skai." Jason greeted me as he came down the stairs wearing a beret with paint stains over the black apron that was strapped to his body.

"Hi Jason." I got up to hug him but I stopped myself as soon as I spot the paint stains on his body.

"Oh,sorry about that. I was painting before you came in." He said as he removed the apron from his body and handed it to the maid that welcomed us.

"Oh Good Evening Mr Johnson." Jason walked towards Drake with his hands stretched out for a handshake.

Drake got up from here he sat and gave Jason a hug as he pat his back,he didn't shake his hand.

"Drop the formality, I'm not here on the basis of business." He said as he smiled at Jason who was still shocked by his action.

"I appreciate that." Jason said as he walked away from Drake and took a seat in one of the cushion adjacent to where we sat.

"Where's your mom ?" I asked him as I took my seat beside Drake.

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