Bad Hair Day

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I was looking at my reflection in the mirror after having a cold long shower before bed.

Yesterday was a long day and to be honest I was happy it was a brand new day, I hope today is better.

I observed the visible dark rings that were forming around my eyes.I applied some of my skincare products that'd take care of the after effects of stress that were showing on my face.

I moved my attention to my hair which I haven't given any hair treatment for a while now. My hair was now tangling and breaking off as I trailed my hands through it.

Maybe I should get them braided or make any protective hairstyle to prevent the breakage,I thought to myself as I applied a leave-in conditioner into my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom with my towel firmly tied around my chest,I was about loosening it when I saw Drake sitting on my bed.

He was dressed and ready for work. He was wearing a fitted grey suit that hugged his muscles, his hairline was sharp like he just had a haircut.

It's hard staying mad at him when he's looking a like a supermodel. I haven't spoke to him since last night and I guess he came here to make amends.

"You need to excuse me, I need to dress up."  I said as I turned to my dresser.

"I don't even get why you're annoyed." He shrugged as he walked behind me.

"Oh really ?!" I rolled my eyes at him as he looked at me through the mirror.

"No I don't, tell me." He chuckled as he rested his both hands on the dresser, caging me between his arms.

"You were so angry yesterday and when I tried to calm you down you shoved me aside." I spat my words at him as I put on some dangling earrings.

"You get angry all the time and I can't calm you down. You don't see me making a fuss about it ?" He arched one of his brows while he grinned at our reflection.

I pursed my lips in defeat because he was right. We are both uncontrollable when we are angry, maybe that's why we are drawn to ourselves.

"But you shouldn't be the angry one, you should be calm and gentle." I waved his hands off as I walked away from the dresser.

"Oh so you get to be all sparky and fierce while I get to be the dull and gentle one ?" He cocked his head to his side as he gave me an unbelievable look.

"Y-yes." I stuttered because I knew I sounded unfair but I was just joking around with him.

"And why is that Miss Skai ?" He leaned his back against the dresser as he itched the side of his head.

"Because you're the guy, you should be calm so when I'm angry you'd calm me down." I shrugged one of my elbow at him before opening my wardrobe.

"You do know how childish you sound right ?" He smirked as he walked towards where I stood.

"I'm just telling you what you should do for this relationship to work." I told him as I brought out two dresses, I was unsure of which to wear.

"Okay I'm gonna tell you what you should do." I turned around to look at him with one of my brows arched.

"This is what you're going to do, when you see me angry or beating a guy or anybody because they tryna mess with you, you cheer me on, you support me and... " He took tiny steps towards me as he spoke and our faces were now few inches apart.

"And what ?" I asked him as I lowered my hands that were holding the dresses.

"And you love me more because I'm fighting for you. I don't want no who knows who messing with you. Okay ?!" He looked into my eyes and his dark brown eyes were sparkling than usual.

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