Seat of Authority

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It was just 8 months ago when I decided to leave my father's house and take Sekani as my responsibility, it was after then I got my first job as an auditor but after so much tears, regret and pain, I made the needed struggles and look at me now.

These were the thoughts that crowded my mind as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a black lady's suit with my hair packed in a firm bun.

I looked so formal and cheek,I want the people to have a good impression of me, most especially now that they would be looking at me as their boss and not as their fellow worker.

I took my handbag from my bed and walked out of the room. I climbed down the stairs with my heels clicking loudly against the shiny tiles. My eyes landed on Drake who was having breakfast alone.

He wasn't dressed for work, he wore a black hood with navy blue shorts. I would have ignored him and walked out of the house but I wanted to know why he wasn't going to work.

"You aren't going to work, aren't you ?" I asked him as I rested my body against one of the dining seat. He have me a simple nod as he buried his face into the cereal he had before him.

"Why ?!" I gave him a confused look as I looked at his bowl that had more cereal than milk.

"I don't feel too good so I stayed back, I'd work from home." He said before taking another spoon from his bowl.

I didn't ask or say anything else,I just turned around and walked out of the house with my head held up high. I was sick of this whole mood changes and ill treatment. The earlier I start this job the quicker I get Drake out of  my life.

Even if a huge part of me didn't want him out of my life, I think it's best for my emotional health if we were apart because his actions when he's in a bad mood really affects me.

I walked towards my car as I unlocked it with the keys in my hands. It's been long I drove the car,I hope it's battery isn't drained.

About entering into my car,one of the guards rushed towards me and stood erectly by my side.

"Good morning ma'am, where are you headed ?" He asked me as he gave me a straight look.

"Work." I said as I tossed my bag into the car while I got into the driver's seat.

"Is any guard escorting you ?" I expected that question and to be frank even though the guards meant safety, having grown men follow me about is really uncomfortable.

"There'd be no need for that, I'm fine." I tried to dismiss the guard but his next words were unexpected.

"Ma'am the last time you left this house with no guards,things ended badly so with all due respect, I'm going to be your guard today even if you don't like it." He said as he ushered me to get up from the driver's seat. I looked at me with an amazed expression as I rounded the car to get in the passenger's seat.


I was welcomed by Sarah who was smiling widely at me from where she sat at the reception.

"Yes that's my girl." Sarah melodiously sang as she walked towards me as she stretched her hands out for a hug.

"Morning, Sarah."I greeted her as I pecked her on both cheeks as we shared a hug.

"Oh darling,how are you ?" She broke the hug with her hands still holding my arms.

"I'm doing okay." I smiled broadly at her trying to pretend I was fine but half of mind was still wary about Drake.

"Okay,come this way then." She said as she took a step forward and I trailed behind her with the guard following my footsteps.

Sarah smiled at me,giving me a sense of pride as we were in the elevator. I was getting uncomfortable with all the attention and care but it was worth it.

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