The Uncle

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We were in one of Drake's car, driving down to his Uncle's place. I was having a terrible headache and cold maybe because I wore a sleeveless gown.

"James could you please turn down the AC ?" I kindly requested from one of Drake's bodyguards who was driving us. He's always around Drake more than the other guards.

He turned down the air conditioner and I leaned back in my chair, I used my index fingers to massage my temples so as to soothen the pain but it was of no use.

"Are you okay ? You look sick. "Drake has really changed a lot since the incident at the beach and I should be happy about that but I'm not liking all the attention and care he's giving me especially since he said I'm his responsibility now.

"You don't look good ,how about we bring in a doctor to treat you from home."Drake said while taking off his suit's jacket.

"I'm fine ,I just have a little cold."I coldly said. I know I was being hard but I just told him my life problems and I don't want him treating me like a charity case.

"Okay let me put my jacket over you so you could get warm"He stretched out his hands to put the jacket over me but I stopped him.

"It's fine I can put it on myself and thanks for lending me your jacket."I didn't want him treating me with so much care besides why the sudden change, he had always been mean to me.

We arrived in front of a huge and tall gate where one could see the beautiful house built behind it. As we drove in, I took in the beauty of the household. It had lots of glass walls with flower pots attached to the windows. It's entrance door had steps leading up to it.

We parked right in front of the door steps. His uncle and his wife were already outside waiting for us. His uncle was tall but slender, he was bald but his baldness complemented his moustache. His wife was short and plumpy, she had really long hair. She was smiling widely at me as I got down from the car.

"Drake my boy, I'm so happy to see you again !"His uncle held Drake in a tight hug like he hasn't seen him in years.

"Oh Drake you've grown so tall and when did you add weight ?"His wife stretched out his hands to hug him too. She had a nice African accent that makes her words stand out.

Drake laughed out loud and he looked so happy, I've never seen him look this happy. He's always having a scowl on his face and a bad mood to go with it.

My legs felt wobbly as I stood there and before I knew what was going on my vision went blank and I fell on the cold hard floor.

I could hear the voices of Drake and his uncle rushing down to come get me.


I was so weak and tired. I struggled to open my eyes to know where I was. My eyes landed on two girls with the same face looking down at me with their faces so close to mine.

"Aaahhhhhh !"I screamed as I sat up on the bed making the two girls get up from the bed. Everyone in the room laughed including  the doctor who was standing by my side.

"Oops sorry !"The two girls said while giggling. The two girls were tall and they had their natural hair packed in a bun ,they wore the same clothes which made them look really cute.

"Hi my name is Busola and she's my twin sister Busayo."One of the twin spoke as she put her arm around her twin's shoulder.

"We are cousins to your boyfriend, Drake."Busayo said while smiling widely at Drake who now have his eyes widened.

"Hell no, Drake's my boss"I said as I tried to get myself comfortable on the bed.

"What's wrong with dating your boss."Busola said with an arched brow while looking at her sister who shared the same expression. They really looked alike , it was like a girl was staring into a mirror.

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