New York City

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I was still crying and disturbed with the text I got from Andre when I heard a knock on my door. I wiped my tears immediately and I went to open the door.

"Good afternoon Miss Skai, Mr Johnson asked me to come get you for lunch."The hotel attendant said with a charming smile.

"No I'm fine , I don't have appetite for food right now, thanks"I politely declined because my eyes were bulgy and glassy red and I can't afford to listen to one of Drake's insult.

Not too long , my door was wide opened with Drake barging into my room which kind of reminded me of Sekani but this time it was my enemy.

"Are you insane? How dare you fling my door open and let yourself in what if I was getting dressed!" I angrily confronted Drake who was wearing an awful scowl on his face.

"Well thank goodness that didn't happen because I'd have puked my life out."He said calmly still looking a bit angry which surprised me because I expected a clap back.

"Get out ! Get out! Get out !"I screamed.

I continued shouting while he shut the door behind us and came towards me the he put his hands over my mouth to stop me from shouting.

"Just shut up! Will you ?"He said with a calm tone which still surprises me because Drake never speak to me in a calm manner.

"Why didn't you come down for lunch."He asked me with one of his brow arched while I gestured to remove his hand from my mouth.

"I didn't come for lunch because I don't dine with the devil"I said as I angrily sat on my bed.

"What are those marks on your wrist ?"He asked with a surprising look of concern ignoring what I just said.

I drew the sleeves of my hood down so as to cover them but it was too late he has seen them.

"It's nothing I injured myself"I foolishly lied because there's no way I could have harmed myself accidentally causing so much redness and pain to make my wrists that swollen.

"Do I look like a fool to you ? Those marks were inflicted by someone obviously"He said as he walked towards where I sat.

I couldn't say anything,I just wanted to keep mute because thoughts from this morning flooded my mind again.

"Is this why you've been off at work ?"He asked as he settled on my bed.

"Drake what do you care, you for one no nothing about caring so just leave because I'm not gonna give  you a sad tale to listen to and then laugh at me"I angrily blurted at him as I rolled my eyes.

"I might be harsh, cruel or insensitive at times but I'd never raise my hand on a woman and seeing you with those marks on your hands and your weariness lately says that someone is harassing you"His words came as a shock to me because he was actually sounding like the Drake I met at the bar and he actually knew that he behaves badly.

"Wow so you actually know you're a bad person"I gave a hint of sarcasm as I stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Skai who is harassing you ?"He asked with a stern look.

"You're just being paranoid and acting psychotic, I told you I accidentally harmed myself and I never mentioned someone harassing me so if you don't mind I'd like to have my bath now."I walked into the bathroom not wanting to prolong the discussion anymore.


We arrived at the New York branch office and it was almost the same size as the headquarters at Atlanta but it wasn't as tall as the one at Atlanta.

We had a board meeting with the whole staff concerning the financial crisis they were having, Drake was curious at first but after hours of analyzing and demonstrating strategic planning he was calm but no solution was found then he sat down on his seat running his temples with his index fingers.

The financial state of the branch office was bad and they were running behind schedule. I had an idea on how we could make ends meet and get back on track so I decided to pitch my idea to them.

"I think I might have a solution to our financial problem"I said with a low tone feeling a little shy.

"Well there's no other option we have so let's hear what you have to say "Drake said while he reached for a glass of water on the table.

I walked up to the front of the table facing the whole workers who were all looking at me wondering what I have to say.

"From what I see, it looks like the branch is spending more on the cost of production and they are gaining very little."I said as I used a marker to demonstrate on the board with some diagrams.

"What if we cut down on the cost of production like we avoid paying advertising companies to make ads for us since we are already a widely known company then we save that as our back up money for losses then instead of using imported materials to get our products made why don't we use the ones made right here in our country to save the cost then we get to have more and gain a cordial relationship with other production company locally."I gave other suggestions with practical measures that could be given as I demonstrated on the board.

When I was done I turned around and everyone had their mouth opened in amazement as they began to clap.

"Wow that's a really wonderful idea and I guess that could help us"The manager of branch said as he applauded.

The meeting was adjourned and we were all out of the board room. Drake and I worked alongside each other all day monitoring and supervising the work that were put in place to achieve the idea I pitched.

After a long day of working I was already exhausted and I wanted to head back to the hotel because it was already 8:30 pm and I've finished my work for the day.

I left the office I was working in to look for Drake so I could tell him I was leaving but when I got to his office I was told he was having a meeting by one of his bodyguards so I left.

New York City at night is really beautiful with all the bustling life and colourful lights from different shops along the side walks  that lit up the streets.

I was taking in the wonderful scenery of my surroundings when someone hugged me from behind.

"Hello darling" That familiar cologne tingled in my nose. It was Andre.
I tried turning to pull away from his grip but then I felt a metallic object against my hip no doubt it was gun.

"Listen up sweetheart, you're going to do just as I say unless you want me to pull the trigger on you"His words were engulfing me with fear and helplessness.

He held my by the waist while wearing a charming smile. He made it look like we were two couples taking a stroll around New York only if they could see the metallic weapon held against me.

We walked for a while and we were now in a dark alley where I could hardly see anything. He dialed a number and spoke Spanish to the person who picked the call, immediately a black Range Rover stopped by us and he pushed me inside.

He put a face towel that was soaked with a funny smelling chemical around my face which made me feel dizzy.

Even in my unconscious state I know I was in danger. The thought of Andre having me in his car driving off to an unknown location made me more drowsy and unconsciousness overshadowed me.

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