Tight Knot

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I was seated in my chair with my focus on the laptop screen which was showing the tons of activities we have for next month.

We were behind schedule and we still have more projects to embark on but we can't start the stipulated projects for next month without finishing the ones we have on deck.

I was brainstorming on how to maneuver events so we could get back on track but each idea I came up with landed in a dead end. My attention was caught by Melody who walked in with an envelope in her hands.

"Good afternoon Miss Skai, how is today going ?" She noticed my troubled face due to the crisis I had on my hands.

"Work troubles." I said as I let out a heavy sigh while retreating back into my seat.

"Oh you'd get over it." She gave me a warm smile as she clutched the envelope in her hands.

"Yeah thanks besides what's that ?" I pointed to the envelope in her hands.

"Oh it's for you, a young man came by and dropped it for you." She handed the envelope to me. It was red in colour and it had a heart shaped seal on it.

A smile curled up on my face knowing it was from Drake, I wonder what Drake is up to this time.

"Okay thanks Melody, you can go now." I want to view whatever is inside the envelope alone without an employee peeking at it.

Melody turned around and walked out from my office with her stiletto shoes clicking against the polished tiles.

I opened up the envelope and it revealed a bunch of photos alongside a note. My body shook as I took a peek at one of the photos.

It was a photo of Andre and I having our first date in a local restaurant, I brought out the rest of the photos and it turned out they were all photos of different events that occurred in our relationship.

"Oh no." I gasped as I dropped the photos on my desk, I got up from my seat and held my head with my palms.

It's been so long he showed up and for a minute I thought I was free from the claws of Andre. I looked at the envelope with a deadly glare on my face and picked it up from the desk.

I took out the note that was inside,they were couple of words written on it in cursive writing.

Hey Skai, remember all these memories we had ? I know you do and you took them away from me but not too worry I'd be getting them back FORCEFULLY !

Lots of love, Andre.

Anger boiled in my body as I read the lines of threats on the note. I grabbed all the photos and stuffed them into the envelope alongside the note.

I walked over to where my bag sat on the desk and put the envelope inside alongside other belongings that were on my desk.

Andre thinks he can just walk out and come into my life and start making silly threats to make me whimper in fear but little does he know I'm getting the hang of his own game.

I stormed out of the office and Melody who was seated in her cubicle immediately stood up from where she sat and paced towards me as I rushed down the aisle.

"Ma'am, where are you going ?! We have a scheduled board meeting in an hour's time alongside the ..." She immediately paused as I turned around giving her an angered scowl.

"Cancel all appointments till when I get back." I seethed as I turned around swiftly which made my hair slap her in the face.

I rushed into the backseat of my car and slumped into the seat as I massaged my temples.

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