Needing Him

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I still had my arms around Skai's body as we drove. James increased his speed as he drove which made us splash puddles of water on some people.

I had my eyes on Skai, she looked so peaceful in her unconscious state. Her lashes were long and curled at the tip which fell peacefully as she slept.

Her eyes twitched and I felt her body move under my arms, I stroked her back as she slowly opened her eyes.

She jumped up on her seat as she gasped for air,she looked around quickly and when her eyes fell on my figure, she reached for the door trying to leave the car.

"Skai, calm down. Where are you going to ?" I tired to calm her and I pulled her away from the door.

"Andre ...Andre.."She kept on calling his name like she saw him in the car,I had my eyes narrowed as I cupped her face and looked straight into her eyes.

"Skai, it's me Drake. You're safe now." I assured her as I wiped the water that dropped from her wet hair down to her face.

"Drake ?! How did you get me ?"  She looked confused but a little relieved knowing she it was me.

"Let's say I was at the right place at the right time."I said as I put some wet strands of her hair away from her face with my hands.

She put her hands over her mouth and tears flowed down her face,I wanted to wipe them away but she wrapped her arms around my torso putting me in a hug.

I wanted to hug her back but I restricted knowing that she is another person's girlfriend.

"He was there,Andre was there ." I pushed her from my body slightly as she said those words.

I had my lips slightly parted with my eyes narrowed as I peered into her eyes.

"What ?! Andre !" I exclaimed which made her flinch as she nodded.

"Oh that fool! Don't with Skai we'd get him." I said as I ushered her to rest her head on my shoulder.

We both looked outside the window during the drove down to my mom's place,a lot of thoughts went through my mind knowing Andre was the one behind that wheel.

James came to an halt as we arrived at my mom's house. It was a simple but classic home,my mom didn't want an extravagant home so she sold our former house and bought a simple one.

We parked in front of the doorstep, I could spot my mom and younger brother standing outside from inside the car.

I got out of the car and held out my hand for Skai to help her out of the the car. My mom and my younger brother rushed to where we were.

"Drake!" My mom exclaimed as she stretched her hands to hug me. It's been a while since I visited her and I'm sure she misses me.

"Who's that ?" Khalil my younger brother asked pointing his finger at Skai who stood beside me.

"This is Skai, a friend." I was uncomfortable answering that question because I was unsure about who Skai was to me.

"Since when do you bring friends over ?" He smirked at me while my my mom slapped his arms.

"Hi I'm Elena,how are you ?" My mom said as she focused her attention on her giving her a warm smile.

"Fine." Skai was shivering and the jackets couldn't hold the warmth any longer.

"Mom can we go inside now,she was drenched by the rain and it's not warm out here." I said as I took Skai in my arms while James locked the car.

We all walked into the house and I could feel the warmth and peace of a home.

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