Breath of Relief

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Elena Johnson's POV

I just got off the phone with Kelvin, even if he told me my son was safe I still felt weary for my son.

He's the pillar of our home and he's the reason I stopped myself from  taking my life after my husband's death.

He picked up the pieces of his life and took charge over of his life so I thought if he could do it I can do it too.

I rested myself on the sofa as the thoughts of that night filled my mind, the police sirens, the ambulance and when the doctor broke the news to us.

I let out a sigh as I shook away the dreadful memories from my head.

"Mom." I could hear my son, Khalil call me as he came out from the kitchen.

"Here's some tea." He handed me a tea cup in a saucer before taking his seat beside me.

"Thanks son." I thanked him as I flashed him a brief smile.

"Mom, he gon' be fine." He assured me as he put his arm over my shoulder.

"I hope so." I said before taking a sip from the tea cup.

"You need to sleep mom, you hardly slept last night."

"I'm fine."

"No mom, you need to go shower and sleep." He pestered as he took his hands off me.

I dropped the tea on the table and shifted in my seat before turning in where I sat to look at him.

"Baby, I love you so much." I shook my head slightly as I cupped his face in my fragile hands.

"I know Mom." He put his hands on my hands as they rested on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Khalil." I looked at his eyes as they peered into mine.

"For what momma ?" He looked confused as he drew his head backwards.

"Those years I neglected you and focused more on the twins, Drake and Josh. I was so fixed on caring for them that I didn't pay attention to what a gem you are. "

"Mom, it's okay. You were..."

"No let me finish son. I promise you I'd make up for old times and show you more of my love, you're so precious,kind and loving." I smiled at him as a tear drop trailed down my left cheek.

"You're the kind of son a mother would yearn for and I'm so proud to have you here." He smiled softly as he took hold of my hands and withdrew it from his face.

"I love you too mom." He drew me in a hug and I wrapped my hands around him.

Our Mother-Son moment was interrupted by James who rushed in with an couple that were probably my age.

Immediately I set my eyes on the elderly man, I knew he was related to Skai.

"We just heard!" The lady cried loudly as she balled her eyes out.

At once I stood up and grabbed her in an embrace. "I'm sorry for how you're feeling."

"My daughter and my son." She shook her head as she released flood of tears from her eyes.

"Darling come here." The man I supposed was her husband took her away from me and pacified her.

He looked distraught but he tried so much to keep his composure as he clenched his teeth.

"That fool is gonna pay for all this."He muttered to his wife as he stroke her hair.

"Please come in." I ushered them to the sofa I was seated on.

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