Heated Arguments

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I've been smiling and laughing since we started driving back home mostly because I remembered the silly things Sekani said when I visited him and Mike's hilarious jokes he began cracking me as we drove.

"You should really do comedy, you're one heck of a funny man." I chuckled as I wiped the tears rolling from my eyes due to heavy laughter.

"They are all real stories of things that happened in my life, so that means my life is a joke." He smirked as he took a glimpse at me then returned his gaze back on the road.

"No, it just means your life is eventful." We both laughed at my statement. I've been laughing so hard I couldn't feel my lungs.

He took a turn by our right and we were now driving on a lonely road that had trees by it's side, I guess it's one of those areas, someone could camp or have a picnic.

"I'm glad you are happy now." He said with his gaze still on the road.

"Yeah at least for now." I rolled my eyes knowing I'd be going back home to meet annoying Drake.

"Well, we could make it last." He smiled at me then returned his attention to the road.

"Well that's after Andre is out of my life." I relaxed myself back into the car seat.

"What about now ?" I blinked my eyes repeatedly at his statement knowing where he was heading to.

"Skai, can't you see what's going on ?"He stopped driving and turned his body sideways on his seat.

"See what ?" I asked him giving him a clueless look.

He put off the ignition which made the head lights go off. He sat side sideways on his seat, he smiled at me as he took one of my hands.

"Can't you see I'm the right one for you, I mean look at you,I make you happy and your brother adores us. C'mon Skai you can't deny it." He rubbed the back of my palm with his thumb as he spoke.

"I know, I know but the thing is I'm not ready for that commitment yet." I told him as I tried to take my hand away from his grip but he restricted.

"Why ?" He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and I couldn't look into his eyes.

"I don't know maybe because I don't want Andre coming after you or I'm still hurt by him... everything is just messed up." I turned my head away from him and looked outside the window.

He reached out for my other hand and drew it towards himself making me face him the way he faced me.

"I've told you before and I'd say it again, I'm ready to be that guy, I don't care what Andre throws at me or what challenges might come but I'm ready to face it all with you." He squeezed my hands slightly while peering into my eyes.

"Can I have some time to think about it ?" I asked him so he wouldn't go on with the discussion and the situation was becoming awkward.

"Oh that's lovely. I'd await your answer." He held my hands close to his face and he kissed the he smiled at me as he let go of my hands.

"Let's get you home." He said as he turned around and sat upright in his seat. He turned on the ignition and we began out way home.

I began giving him consideration because he's right, he has always been a good person to me, he's always there for me most especially for Sekani and I appreciate him for that.

My phone began ringing again and I looked at the caller ID, it was Becky. I didn't want to pick it but I have to assure her I'm on my home in safe hands.

"Hello ?" I spoke into the phone as I drew in closer to my ears. I waited for a while but there was no response until a familiar voice blasted my ears.

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