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"Drop me down !"I struggled to be free from his arms and I got what I wanted when he dropped me on the floor making me hit the floor hard.

The twins were laughing but they stopped when they saw the hard glare I gave them.

"That's not how you apologize Drake."Busola said getting up from the bed walking towards me to help me up.

"Thanks and I'd really be grateful if you could get your cousin out of here too."I said as I took her hands to get myself off the ground.

"I think it's best if we leave you two to talk things out besides that's why he's here."Busayo said as she got up from the bed walking towards Drake.

"Well Drake and I never have a peaceful conversation and I think I've had enough from him in a day so...."I was talking when I felt Drake's palm over my mouth.

" talk too much."He said giving me a smile like he hasn't hurt my feelings an hour ago.

I licked his palms which made him remove his hands sharply giving me an irritated look.

"I really love this lady she knows how to handle you"Busayo said as she giggled while reaching for Drake's hair. She tried to ruffle his hair but Drake held her two hands in one of his hands and rubbed my saliva on her face.

"No one bugs my sister !"Busola said as she raced towards them to save her sister but Drake overpowered the two of them. He carried two of them on each sides of his shoulders, the girls were laughing at how easy it was for Drake to overpower them.

I laughed at the scene of events while I sat down on my bed. He looked really strong carrying his two cousins on his hands and he didn't look like he was tired.

Well he was huge and talk in stature, I'm pretty sure he has a good workout routine.

He opened the door with a bit of difficulty and then used his leg to open the door better.

"Okay begone you too!"He dropped the twins outside the door which made them fall on their body just the way he did to me. I laughed at them as payback for when they laughed at me.

"We hate you !"The twins said in unison and Drake stuck his tongue at them and he closed the door. He really behaved different around his family and he was always happy.

"You also belong outside the room"I said coldly as I straightened my face.

"Okay I get it , I said some really messed up stuff earlier and I'm sorry about that."He said as he sat next to me.

"Why Drake ? I don't understand you at all, you're even harder than calculus."I said and I crawled to the headboard of my bed so I could lay my head.

"For someone really good at accounts calculus isn't meant to be a problem."He said while giving me a naughty smile because he knew I would get ticked off by his remark.

"Why did you start being unnecessarily nice to me all of a sudden after months of suffering your torture because I was going to be your worker and I didn't tell you when you were hitting on me in a bar."I angrily spat my words at him narrowing my eyes.

He turned away from looking at me and he was looking into the glass wall where he could get a good view of the mansion's surroundings.

"That's because I don't want another person's death on my name."He said before letting out a huge sigh then he stood up and walked towards the glass wall.

"When I was in highschool I was a bad kid, rebellious son and the school's bad boy."He said with a smirk on his face.

"Wow you don't say."I gave a hint of sarcasm with my statement while he turned around to look at me.

"I return home late at night sometimes I don't return at all because I'm either out with my guys drinking and partying or we are anchoring pointless illegal car races. "He smiled while remembering those memories as he sat on the bed then he rested his head on the headboard looking straight ahead.

"It was one of those nights where me and my guys were drunk and we were anchoring car races, then the police came by and we got arrested. I called my dad that night to come bail me out. "He paused for a while then he took a deep breath before he continued.

"I was a really bad son to him but that man still came for me that night, he was on his way to come get me when ......."His voice was now cracking because he was shedding tears now and he was breathing uncontrollably. Is Drake Johnson actually crying ? The rock can actually be soft.

I wanted to reach out for him to pacify him but I decided to let him finish.

"That was when he collided with a huge truck, the accident was ghastly and he didn't survive it."His voice was still cracking with his tears flowing uncontrollably.

"That was my fault. If I hadn't been a bad kid , if I was at home doing homework my dad wouldn't be on that road that day!"He shouted as his tears now flooded his face. I crawled to where he was on the bed and I knelt in front of him.

I cupped his face with my hands and I cleaned his tears with my thumbs. He looked really helpless with his red glassy eyes filled with tears.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for your dad's death. Death takes people without thinking twice and when it does nothing can stop it not even you."I said as I wiped the tears from his face and I looked into his eyes and I never took note of his brown eyes,they were really alluring.

"I was in a bad state for 6 months, I talked to no one even if I did talk to someone, I never spoke nicely to them. I blamed myself for the pain I caused my family."He was now calm and his tears had stopped.

"That's when my personality problem started, I really didn't care who I was speaking to I just spoke to them anyhow I felt like."He said while rolling his eyes. That doesn't justify how he treated me.

"My uncle that's Kelvin had to come from New York to Atlanta to take care of our family, I am the eldest son and I couldn't take care of my family because I was busy trying to take my life and I didn't know how much it affected my twin brother ,Josh. "He paused and closed his eyes letting some stored up tears flow freely.

"Kelvin talked sense into me and I decided to take life seriously,go to college,take therapy sessions and get my head fixed while Kelvin ran the company till I graduated from college when I would be legible to run the company."He rested his hands on my hands that were still holding his face.

"It was too late ,my twin brother,Josh was affected by our dad's death and my mom was too sad to know what he was up to. He refused to go to college, he wasn't ready to let go and move on."He exhaled deeply then his flood of tears were back again.

"He overdosed on his antidepressants pills and he died. I got a call from school that my twin was dead......"He paused for a while letting some tears flow while I cleaned the tears. "I remember holding him in my hands on the hospital bed wondering how many people I'm going to lose because of my mistakes."He cried so loudly now and I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back.

We stayed like that for some time while I rubbed his back back and forth so as to give him comfort. He broke the hug but his hands stopped on my arms which he was now holding really tight.

"So do you see the reason for my immediate change of behaviour towards you when I realized you almost died at the beach, I don't want another person's death on my neck, so please Skai let me care and protect you from Andre." He had his eyes fixed on mine and I could see he was pleading.

"But what happened at the beach wasn't your fault."I said with the calmest voice ever.

"No I brought you to New York for a business trip you didn't even want to be involved and I've been mean to you for so long and I was so stupid not to send you to the hotel without a bodyguard and a car , Skai can't you see I don't want anything happening to you because of my carelessness. I can't lose another person again. "He paused for a while then he left my hands and he clenched my knees that were bent on the bed.

"Please Skai, just let me be nice to you and protect you from Andre."He looked like he was pleading with all the strength he had.

"Okay Drake , I would allow you to protect and care for me on one condition."I was willing to make a sweet deal out of this.

This is my chance to turn the tables around in my favour.

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