Finding Peace

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I was seated in the same cafeteria where Sekani and I had lunch the day we dropped him here.

I decided to dial Sekani's number, I've missed his so much and I haven't spoken to him in a long time as I lost his contact but it's a good thing I memorized it.

"Hello ?" Warmth filled my mind as I heard Sekani's voice from the phone.

"Hi Sekani."I could hear him gasp from behind the phone.

"Skai !!! Is that you, where have you been, I've been trying to reach you and Mom came here  and why do you have a new num....." I cut him off so we could talk more about it face to face.

"Why don't you come over to your school's cafeteria so we could talk about it ?" I smiled knowing how surprising it would be to him that I'm here.

"What ?! You're here ?" He sounded so happy but confused.

"Yes muron, just meet me at the same cafeteria you fell in love with steaks." I teased him remembering how he devoured two plates of steaks here, I wonder if he still eats like a beast.

"I'm on my way !" He hung up and I smiled at the phone as I took it off from my ear.

I took a seat by one of the tables, I wedged the side of my head with my hand as I rested it on the table while I fondled with my phone on the table.

My phone rang and it revealed Drake's caller ID, I declined it immediately. He has been calling me since I left the station.

After a while, a familiar figure appeared, he was wearing the biggest smile ever. He looked a little different maybe because it was the little moustache that was growing on his face.

He rushed over and hugged me, he didn't let me stand up he just wrapped me with his hands while I sat.

"Skai, you just blacked out on me !" He said still hugging me as I could feel his breath in my hair.

"I'm so sorry Sekani,lot of things happened or should I say are happening." He let go of me and took a seat beside me, he peered into my eyes with a serious look. I've really missed my baby brother.

"Skai, no matter how hard and messed up things got in here,I always dialed, texted and thought about you so that's not an excuse." He looked a little angry but he was right,problems shouldn't make you forget family and that's what I did to him.

"Oh Sekani, don't be like that. Okay I'm so so sorry."I put my arms on his shoulder and shook his body slightly.

He didn't respond,he was still looking straight into thin air with a serious face then an idea hit me.

"Okay how many steaks would you like to have ?" I smirked knowing I just hit his weak point.

He was trying to keep a straight face but he eventually gave up to the smile that was curling up on his face.

"One please !" He turned towards me with a charming smile.

"One ?! A whole Sekani is settling down for only one piece of steak ?" I was surprised he wasn't asking for more because Sekani as we know him, he's one heck of a foodie.

"I have a diet to keep fit." I gave him an impressive look as I got off the chair.

"So who called you fat ?" I teased him as I made my way to the counter where I could place my order.

As I approached the counter my phone buzzed in my hands. I took a glimpse at it, it was multiple texts from Drake.

Drake: Call me as soon as you get this.

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