Life Is a Mist

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Death. Death is never satisfied, it's always taking people into it's dark bottomless pit.

Life is just like a mist,it appears for just a day and disappears tomorrow.A person we could see,feel and touch today would cease to exist tomorrow replacing all that we are with tears and sorrow.

This is the reality of life and it's so sad to see it happen to Mr Orchard. It was the day of the burial ceremony, a small group of people probably relatives and close friends alongside Drake, Becky and I were present.

I guess Sarah didn't want to draw too much attention to her husband's burial because it was a small gathering and a quiet ceremony.

We all gathered around the coffin where Mr Orchard's lifeless body laid,the coffin was closed and there was a portrait that was put on a stand close to the coffin.

I guess that was the portrait Jason was painting the day we came visiting. Everyone's face was gloomy as they all looked down.

Drake knew it would be hard for me to attend this funeral while Becky linked her hands with mine. I was doing okay because I haven't shed a tear since the ceremony started.

Drake had his arms around my shoulders, sometimes he would clench my shoulders softly or he would rub them back and forth to ease the pain I felt.

Sarah and Jason were standing beside us. Sarah once sparkling eyes were now dull and glassy due to the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Jason pacified her as he wiped her tears with a face towel. I took one of her hands and squeezed it gently.

"Skai,please take hold of my mom." He said as he ushered Sarah towards me, immediately I took hold of her as he walked towards the small platform that was stationed before the us.

"I'd like to say something before he is buried." Jason said as he removed his arms from his mother's body.

"I couldn't just watch them bury my father without saying the things that I've struggled to say to him while he was alive. I know he's dead and he won't be able to hear what I have to say but I feel I should just say it anyway." He held his head high as he spoke and the people rose their heads up to listen to what he had to say.

"My father was a selfless man, whenever he heard people's problems he always taught of how he could help solve their problems. I am a living example of one of the countless people he has helped." He looked down at his shoes probably to hide the tears that were finding it's way into his eyes.

"I was his only child,he waited for so long to have a child who he could wholeheartedly love and give everything he had. He finally had a child,in fact a son but what kind of son can't read or get at least an average GP in school... I felt useless that I was letting everyone down most especially my dad." This time the tears were now flowing freely but he still had his face straight and calm as he spoke.

"My dad never regarded me as useless or dumb. He always told me I was special in my own way,that it's not necessary for me to understand things the way people did. He showered me with love,care and affection,never did he feel bad that his only child was dyslexic. Even when he found out I wouldn't be able to take over the company, he didn't change towards me. I can vow that the percentage of dads in the world who could do that are not up to 5% and I'm proud to say my dad is among them..."  He paused as he took a glimpse at the coffin that was beside him and be walked towards the portrait and took it off from the stand.

"If anyone asks me what a real father is, I'd show them this portrait of my dad and tell them this is the best father one could ask for. Everyday I see him and spend time with him, the more I love my mom because she made the best choice for a husband. Mom,I love you so much for the dad that you gave to me." He walked to towards where I stood with Sarah in my arms.

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