Standing Up

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"James, take me to the station."I ordered him with anger building up in me.

"But I think it'd be better to go to ...
"I cut him off knowing what he was going to suggest.

"Just drive me to the station ! I can handle myself ,I don't need Drake."I blurted out in anger at James. I felt bad that I was lashing out my anger on him maybe I'd apologize later.

We drove for a while before coming to an halt at a police station. I rushed out of the car and I could see James reaching out for his phone probably to call Drake.

I barged into the station, I looked around for who I could talk to and file a complaint then someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Evening Miss." I turned around to face a young man with a dark skin with well defined muscles and dark hair, he was tall and I felt kind of intimidated by his height.

"I want to file a complaint !"I said in a sharp tone.

"Oh well I'm the right person ,follow me to my office ." He stepped ahead of me and I followed him to his office.

It was small but cozy. He had lot files on his desk , his cabinets were in one side of the office but the drawers were all opened with files sticking out if it. For a man well dressed in a uniform his office was pretty disorganized.

"I'm detective Darius and you are ?" He introduced himself to me as he settled down in his seat as he gestured me to sit.

"Skai , Skai Hart. I want to report a constant harassment that has been going on for a while."I responded with a clenched fist.

"Who's the victim ?"He took out a note and started writing some things on it.

"I'm the victim and I know who is harassing me, Andre Suarez."He focused his attention on me and I could see his teeth were clenched revealing his sharp jawline.

He called someone on his landline and he got up from his seat and walked close to me.

"Are you sure he's the one ?"He asked me with narrowed eyes.

"Of course I'm sure about that, I dated him for five years!"I lashed out at him because I was getting sick of the questions.

A lady also wearing a cop uniform rushed into the office. She was tall and slender, she had a nice pixie cut and she was really good looking.

"Yes detective !"She rushed to where I sat and stood behind him.

"We've got a lead on Andre." He went back to his seat and handed his note to the lady. She took the note and sat on the edge of the table facing me.

"Hi I'm Thelma , I'd want you to tell me everything you know about Andre and what he has being doing to you."She said as she took out a pen ready to write down some things.

"I met him in college we dated all through college and he proposed to me the night before we graduated but I broke things off with him as soon as I found out he was involved in a mafia gang."I paused for a while to get my breath because I was rushing my words and I was still angry.

"He's been harassing me for some months now, he shows up at my house giving me threats sometimes he sends notes threatening my family and he abducted me in New York and poisoned me. I got home and I met my house with blood splattered everywhere. " I couldn't go on anymore my eyes were now blurry due to the tears that were bubbling in my eyes.

"It's going to be alright , calm down and finish what you have to say." Thelma assured me in a calm tone.

"That's all that happened."I said with my eyes closed. I heard someone rushing down to the office with banging footsteps.

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