Gloomy Clouds

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I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall outside Mr Orchard's ward. Tears still rolled down my cheeks but my face was emotionless.

The nurses rolled out the bed where Mr Orchard's body laid from the ward . He was covered with the sheets of the bed,Sarah and Jason trailed after then but they stopped by my side.

"Skai, how are you holding up ?" Sarah asked me as she stood beside me.

"I'm okay, just sad." I got up from where I sat with the help of Jason who gripped my hands.

"We are all sad but with time we'd feel better." Jason said as he helped me get up. He was really holding up well, he has been by his mum side, comforting her all day.

He'd have been the best person to run the company if not for his dyslexia. Sarah was calm and quiet all day, she didn't say much but the few times she did, she smiled.

"Skai, we are heading home, would you like to come over for lunch ?" Despite losing her husband today,Sarah was still kind and hospitable towards me even when she's suppose to be locked up in her house mourning.

"It's..."The ringing tone of my phone distracted me. It was James,maybe he's back from the airport.

"I'm safe." I didn't allow him to say anything because I know that's why he called me.

"Okay, do you have any guard with you ?" He asked with a sigh,well I don't blame him I can be stubborn at times or should I say all the time.

"No and I don't need one, James I'm safe, please don't argue this with me." I ended the call and stuffed the phone into my back pocket.

"So are you coming with us ?" Jason asked with a concern look on his face probably because of the way I spoke to James on the phone.

"No I'm fine, I'd like to head some where else."  I said as I gestured for us to walk.

We walked outside of the hospital,Sarah was not comfortable leaving me alone but I faked my smiles to assure her I was fine as I waved her bye.


I was walking on the side walk with my hands tucked in my pocket. My head was down, just like the weather.

The clouds were gloomy,the hot bright sun was nowhere to be found. I wished I had come with my own car but on a second thought I could stand in the rain and let it wash away my pain.

It began raining heavily,it seemed everyone had their umbrella as they all put on their umbrella leaving me and few other persons to be drenched by the rain.

I spotted a bar across the road, I decided to cross over so I could take shade in the bar. I stood on the side walk waiting for some cars to pass by so I could cross.

One of the cars who drove by splashed the puddle of water on the road all over my body,making more wet than I was.

I spat out the water that entered my mouth,my day couldn't get any worse. I took out my face towel and tried to dry my clothes as I crossed the road.

My eyes were fixed on my hands that were wiping my wet body which made me unaware of the car that was racing towards me.

My eyes were blinded by the sharp light rays from the car's headlight. I was in shock and that shock made me motionless.

I knew the car was going to hit me, so I closed my eyes and waited for the hard body of the car to push me on the ground, to leave me unconscious or lifeless.

The car didn't hit me,it came to an immediate halt. It's edge was very close to me. I made eye contact with the person behind the steering.

My heart constricted as my gaze fell upon Andre. Did he try to kill me ? Was it all an accident ? Or he was just trying to scare me again.

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