Double Happiness

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It was Sunday ,Drake and I were prepared to go back home and we just had breakfast with Elena and Khalil.

We were all seated in the living room conversing while James got the car ready,Elena didn't want us to go so soon.

"Couldn't you stay a little longer ?" She pleaded as held Drake's hand who was sitting beside her.

"Oh Mom, I wish we could but we have other things to get to." He said as he hugged her slightly.

I smiled at them, it was really adorable to see how close a son and a mother could be irrespective of the challenges they've both faced.

"Oh well I gotta go get ready for school too." Khalil rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch.

"Hey, why don't you do that quickly so we could drop you off at school." Drake suggested as he gestured for Khalil to go get ready.

"Oh yeah that'd be great but wait why are you offering to help me ?" He gave Drake a suspicious look with a finger pointing at him.

"So we could both see Sekani."Drake wiggled his brows at me as he spoke. I froze at what he said,I haven't planned for him to meet Sekani anytime soon.

"Oh man ! That's gonna be lit. I'd be ready in 5 minutes." Khalil said in a high pitch as he raced up the stairs while I gave Drake deadly glares.

"Oh let me pack some cookies for you guys to eat on the long ride." Elena smiled as she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

I watched her get into the kitchen and waited for her to be out of sight before lashing Drake.

"What is your problem ? Why do you want to see Sekani ?" I threw questions at him alongside the ugly scowl I had on my face.

"What's bad if I want to see my babe's brother ?" I squeezed my face in confusion at his question.

"Babe ?!" I got up from the couch as I shook my head at him.

"Okay chill, I'm just kidding. You talk about your brother a lot and I felt I should see your second most valued person." He said as he held my arm trying to stop me from walking towards the door.

"Who's the first ?" I asked him with my brows furrowed.

"Me of course !"He said with a broad smile as he chuckled.

"What ?! No you're no way near the first." I slapped his hands off my hands and walked outside of the door.

"Well that proves I'm on the list." He said as he trailed behind me as I walked out of the house.

"Shut up! Good morning James." I shouted at Drake as I greeted James who chuckled at our little fight.

"What has Drake done this time ?" James asked me with a smile as I walked towards him.

"Don't mind that psycho." I smirked at him as I gave him a side hug.

In no time Khalil rushed out wearing his school's customized jacket with a jean and a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Okay I'm ready !" He said as he walked over to the car where James and I stood.

"Okay here's the snacks." Elena melodiously said as she walked out of the house with a food bag in her hands.

"Oh mom,thanks." Khalil said as he put his bag into the car's trunk.

"Thanks Mom, this would really come in handy."Drake said as he kissed his mom on her cheek while giving her a side hug.

I walked over to where she stood and took the bag from her before she put me in a quick hug.

"Don't forget what we talked about."She whispered into my ears before she broke the hug.

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