Goodbye Sekani

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After a stressful week of processing Sekani's admission into college he's finally set and ready to move into college.

Mike,Becky and I drove Sekani down to the school and we helped him get settled in his dorm. After a long and tiring afternoon of helping Sekani move his things we decided to hang around in one of the school's cafeteria.

"Wow....the food in this school rocks I'm so gonna be eating here all the time." Sekani said with his mouth full of steak while admiring the fat steak on his plate.

"Well if I see a fat Sekani on my door step , I know what caused it."We all laughed at what I said.

"But you can't blame the kid , I haven't eaten any steak like this , it's so good and succulent"Mike said while  cutting through his steak using his cutlery.

"Oh okay that's enough for me , my body can't take more fat"Becky said pushing the plate forward.

Everyone rolled their eyes knowing how Becky is always conscious of her body shape all the time while Sekani took Becky's left over and devoured it.

"Sekani you are a beast !" I said as I threw a napkin at Sekani to wipe off his mouth stained with barbecue sauce.

"I ain't done, I don't need those yet"he said putting the napkins aside.
A pretty innocent looking girl with a really nice pixie cut and dark skin
came over to our table walking towards Sekani.

"Uhm sorry to disturb but there's no salt on my table , can I borrow yours ?"she asked blinking her eyes repeatedly. She was obviously irritated by Sekani's oily face.

Sekani gave her the salt container without looking at her , he even soiled the container with his oily hands. She walked away holding the bottle by it's lid.

"Sekani !! You just disgusted that sweet looking girl with your crazy attitude, you're such a weirdo"Becky scolded Sekani who shrugged like he didn't care.

Right from childhood Sekani has never paid attention to any girl , he hasn't even had a crush on a girl. I remember when Mom was on Sekani's case thinking he was gay but no, Sekani made us understand that he wouldn't start dating until after college and I respect his priorities.

We were all done at the cafeteria and we started walking towards Sekani's dorm then we stopped right in front of the dorm to say our goodbyes.

"Sekani, you've been like a younger brother to me since I've known you and you never cease to amaze me with your funny ,clumsy yet admirable personality."Mike said walking close to Sekani who was now facing us three, he put his two hands on Sekani's shoulders.

"Your sister really made a lot of sacrifices for you to be here please don't make her regret that and if you need anything your big bro is always and would forever be available."Mike said patting Sekani on his shoulder, then he came back to where Becky and I stood watching them.

Becky walked forward stopping in front of Sekani taking his hands in hers and looking right into his eyes. Then she took out a male bracelet designed with black threads and a label that says JOY.

She wore Sekani the bracelet.
"You might be wondering why I gave you this well just like your name Sekani meaning joy ,you carry a spirit of joy with you and you've brought joy into our lives and I'd also want you to keep spreading that vibe and love towards everyone here. "She paused and hugged Sekani, while he pat her hair.

"I love you so much and keep being you don't change who you are for anyone and take care of yourself, don't do drugs because that'd suck the life out of you and I'd always call you every week to check up on you and you better pick my calls !" She said breaking the hug and she kissed him on his cheeks leaving her oily stain of her lip gloss on his cheek.

We all laughed as Sekani had an irritated look on his face while trying to get the stain off.

"It won't come off , you have to take a shower " I said walking towards him knowing it was my turn to say goodbye.

"I've been owing you a lot in life bro and I'm still paying for all those times you've been there for me before I went to college and after I came back and I really love you for that. "I said with tears bubbling in my eyes.

"Hey sis it's okay, you paying for my tuition fees and giving me huge sum of money to take care for myself is more than anything I could ask for, even when dad put the burden of my fees on you , you didn't complain or think twice of taking me."He said wiping my tears away that were now flowing freely on my cheeks.

"Sekani, anything that concerns you is never a burden and I love you so much ,even more than I love myself and I want to always be there for you and be that mother figure since mom's away now."I said crying more and I hugged Sekani tightly and squeezed the back of his leather jacket which felt cold under my hands.

"I love you too sis and I'd forever take it upon myself to make you happy and proud"He said hugging me tightly then Becky and Mike joined the hug making it a group hug.

"Goodbye Sekani,  I'd always check up and you, take care of yourself."I said while he turned to walk into the building which was his dorm and we stood there watching him go off into the life of college.

Who knew I'd be able to get a job and afford Sekani's fees and watch him go off to school. Even though mom and dad aren't here to witness this I'm still happy I'm here with Mike and Becky to witness this .

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