Coming Back

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I heard loud noises from outside and I stood up from where I laid. I rushed outside and I saw multiple bodies laying lifeless on the grass.

I turned around to see if anyone was out there and that was when my eyes landed on Andre. He shirt was covered with stains of blood and he had a machete in his hand.

I took to my heels and ran with all my strength, he chased after me with the most wicked look on his face. I tripped on the grass and I couldn't stand up which made it easy for him to catch up with me.

He rose his hand that was holding the machete, probably aiming for my head which made me scream at the peak of my voice. That was when reality rushed into me and I woke up from my sleep with a strong force.

My heart was racing and I couldn't control my breath. A figure got up from one of the couch and rushed towards me.

"Hey hey hey calm down, it's just a night mare." Drake said as he sat on the couch where I laid and he put his hands around me wrapping me in a hug.

"H-h-he w-was ....."I stuttered trying to tell Drake what the dream was about.

"It's okay I've had night mares too, you're safe here."He rubbed my back in a soothing way.

I cried on the shoulders of Drake, I watched as my tears soaked his shirt. He pat my hair as I cried.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply. I was able to calm myself in the arms of Drake who continuously stroke my hair. We were silent for a while as we remained in that position.

"Were you sleeping in the couch too ?"I broke the silence after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, I had to watch over you."I broke the hug but my hands were still around him.

"Why ?! You shouldn't have." I said looking into his eyes.

"Skai it's fine, that should be least of your worries, now go back to sleep."He got up from the couch and ushered me to lay down.

"See you in the morning."He walked over the couch on the other end of the room and laid there.

"Thank you Drake."I whispered and he slightly nodded as he pulled the duvet over his body.


I woke up having a slight headache. I sat up on the couch. A sweet aroma tingled in my nose, I guess someone was cooking something delicious.

I walked into the kitchen and a lady probably in her mid forties was flipping pancakes. She was average in height with a pale skin and she had her hair in a thick bun which complemented the floral dress she had on. She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Good morning."She said as she put some pancakes into a dish.

"Morning, you are ?"I wondered who she was because I didn't see her here last night.

"Monica, I'm the maid."She gave a quick bow before returning to her work.

I took a seat in one of the high stools behind the kitchen counter. I looked down at the dishes which had pancakes in them. They looked really good.

"Good morning Skai !"The twins melodiously greeted me as they stormed into the kitchen.

"Hmmm pancakes !" Busayo exclaimed as she reached out for one of the dishes.

Monica turned sharply away from the burner and held Busayo's hands, stopping her from taking the dish.

"That's for Mr Drake, you can take any other dish."Monica gave the twins a stern look but the twins didn't look  bothered as they took from the other dishes.

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