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It was 6:00am and I was getting ready to leave home to meet up with Drake at the airport. I had my bags packed and I was dressed. I was putting my luggage into the trunk of my car when I heard someone speak behind me.

"Hello fiancee, where are you going ?"I cringed hearing the familiar voice that used to make me have butterflies in my stomach but now his voice instills fear in me.

"What are you doing here, get out of here !"I angrily challenged him.

"Wow you are still fierce, did I tell you it was your fierce appearance that attracted me to you "He smirked as he walk towards me and I automatically took steps backwards.

"Get away from me, if you hurt me I'm going to do worse to you"I said trying to look defensive.

"Skai, you really look cute when you are trying to look defensive but I've known you for five years and I know your weakness and your strength"He continued walking towards me making me walk backwards till my back hit the walls of my house and I couldn't take any steps backwards.

He took my hands by the wrist in his hands and he looked into my eyes. I was uncomfortable with his presence and how close he was to me against the wall.

"We were together for five years through thick and thin, I've been so faithful to you."His grip tightened on my wrist making me groan in pain.

"You're hurting me , let go"I said with pain because he increased his grip on my wrists.

"Hurting ?! Do you even know what hurting means, you left me Skai! After I proposed to you and loved you like a fool, you left me to go around having dinner with a so called Mike and now you're traveling with your new boyfriend Drake"He angrily shouted in my face and I flinched.

"How do you know about my trip ?"I asked in a scared tone.

"I told you as long as you're not in my hands my eyes would forever be on you, I know everything about you, what you do,what you eat, what you drink and where you work. I even saw you when that Drake guy was hitting on you at the bar."He said with anger building up in his face while his grip tightened around my wrists.

It was so hard and painful, I'm sure it'd leave marks around them. I groaned in pain.

"That's enough! I'm going to shout and all the neighbours would come out and see what a freak you are! Let go!"I said with so much anger and vigor even if that wouldn't scare him, I needed to let him know he can't threaten me and make me feel helpless.

He let go off me and walked backwards turning to leave but he paused.

"This is just the beginning"He said with a smirk and he walked out of my lawn.

I waited for him to walk out of sight then I let out a breath of relief and tears began to roll out of my eyes. I sat there on the floor crying and scared as to what he would do next.

After a while I realized I was on my to meet Drake at the airport by 7:00am and it was now 6:45am. I'm going to be late and Drake would love to lash out his perfectly selected killer words at me.

I drove really fast on my way to the airport because I couldn't afford to miss our flight even when I knew it was Drake's private jet, I knew Drake wouldn't mind to leave me behind.

I arrived at the airport. I hastily took out my luggage and locked my car, I rushed inside to meet up with Drake.
After a while of running to meet up with him, I spotted him with two men dressed in black suits with dark sunglasses who were obviously his bodyguards.

"You're late!"He said angrily as I approached him.

"I'm sor...."I was about apologizing before he cut me off.

"Just keep it to yourself, let's go we've wasted so much time waiting for you."He said while turning around to walk away and I followed.


We were all seated in the air craft preparing ourselves for take off. I was uncomfortable because I always have anxiety attacks whenever I'm on a plane.

My legs were shaking with my eyes shut tightly then I felt someone sit in front of me.

"Why do you look so awful ?"Drake asked me as he settled in the seat opposite me looking at me like I was the ugliest person in the world.

"I have anxiety attacks when I'm on a plane."I said with slight anger because I was holding back my anger.

"Well you should have told me , I wouldn't have had the burden of bringing you along." He said coldly like I begged him to take me.

That was it! I was done taking the advice from Mr Orchard this time, I'm not going to take his sass anymore. It's like he noticed my calmness and he's taking advantage of it.

"Do you know what you are Drake? I've been tolerating your bad attitude for a while but I guess I should tell you now. You're the world's worst excuse for a human!"I lashed out those words on him then I looked out on the window.

"And don't think I'd be leaving this seat because of you because you met me here so you are the one to leave , so please excuse me"I said as I eyed him.

He had an expressionless face with his lips slightly parted like he couldn't believe what I just said to him then he got up to leave.

After a while we landed in New York. We were in a car that was taking us to the hotel where we would be staying. I was seated at the far end of the car seat while Drake was at the other end.

After a long and quiet drive to the hotel. The car halted in front of a tall building with the name - Johnson's Hotels written at the top. So he actually owns this hotel anyway I wasn't surprised because he's a billionaire.

We alighted from the car, I went to the trunk of the car to get my bags but one of his guards refrained me from doing so I allowed him to get the bags.

I went ahead of them and as I was climbing the stairs leading into the hotel I tripped then landed on my butt. I could see the amused face Drake had alongside his guards who quickly straightened their face when I gave them a scowl. I got up and walked right into the building.

I was laying on the king sized bed in my room that I lodged in. The room was so beautiful and comfy. It had long grey curtains covering the glass wall at the extreme end of the room, a 16 inches television strapped to the wall opposite my bed and a sofa with a coffee table adjacent to my bed.

I laid in my bed reminiscing what happened this morning and I began to cringe at the thought of it then I got a message from an unknown number.

Unknown : New York really looks good can't wait to see you fiancee.

Fear engulfed me as I read through the text wondering how on Earth Andre followed me here as tears began to flow freely from my eyes.

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