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It's been 3 months since I started working with the Orchard Industries, it's been really nice working with them and with the nature of my job now I have to travel from one state to another within the country, auditing and monitoring the finances of other branches of the company.

I've moved out of Becky apartment as soon as I found a sweet and cozy bungalow I could afford with my pay. Sekani has refused to come over , he insisted on staying with Mike till Mike leaves town. They've really been close lately, he's like the big brother Sekani always wanted but that doesn't change my disposition towards him.

I was laying on my couch watching my favourite comedy show -  FRIENDS   while eating some snacks. I got a message from Sekani.

Sekani : Hey sis !, Mike and I are going to see a football match at the stadium wanna come ? Please 🙏🙏say yes you've been working a lot lately.

Skai: okay send me the address I'd meet you there.

Sekani: Hell no! We'd come over and pick you up 😉

Skai : okay.

I took a shower and put on a red shirt with a denim jacket and a blue jean trousers with blue vans sneakers to go with it. I know I'm a fashion freak.

I was seated in Mike's Range Rover watching how Sekani and Mike argued on who's going to win the match. I didn't mind because I know nothing about football. So I took my phone and decided to check on some of my clients and times they'd like me to come in and check their finances.

"Hey skai, you've been awfully quiet what's wrong ?"Mike asked me looking at me with concern from the rear view mirror.

"I'm good, other than the fact you two blocked me out of every conversation arguing about pointless sports " I rolled my eyes and smirked at him.

"Well you are on your way  to watch some pointless sports with us skai" Sekani said with a tint of sarcasm while smirking at Mike.


The match was going well and they were on break so we decided to go get some snacks for the second half.

"Oh Mike, skai I think I forgot my jacket at our seat I'd like to go back and look for it"he said in an awkward way giving Mike a wink before leaving us.

"What's that about ?"I asked being confused.

"Oh it's Sekani being Sekani, goofy kid"he said taking the 3 bags of chips and bottles of soda from the vendor  then he paid him.

"Oh let me help with you that " I offered taking the chips from him. Then we started walking towards a nearby field where other spectators were seated having their snacks.

"So how's your job going ?"he asked settling down on the green grass.

"Oh it's going really good and the pay is really good alongside the extra cash I make from my freelance auditing"I said with a sense of pride in my tone looking at how far I've come.

"Wow.... that's some huge thing you have going on for you, keep it up" he said before taking a gulp from his soda then he began to speak again.

"So why did you settle for a simple 2 bedroom apartment and haven't bought a car with all the cash coming in ? Because you need a car"he asked furrowing his eyebrow in confusion.

"Well I'm saving up for something bigger and better than a car" I said opening up my bag of chips taking in the sweet scent of it.

"A private jet ?" He asked letting out a laugh from his mouth filled with chips.

"Hell no! Well don't tell anyone but I've been saving up for my brother's college tuition, I've saved more than half of the fees"I said trying to see the expression on Mike's face.

"What ?! Are you serious that's awesome I'm so proud of you that's nice."he said with a proud smile.

"Uhm skai can I ask you something ?"he said looking nervous.

"Okay anything to remove that look from you face" I said with a smile.

"Would you like to have dinner with me sometime ?" He asked looking so shy.

"Are you asking me out ?"I asked surprised.

"Yeah....I know we left things off in a pretty awkward state before I left for college and I'm sorry for how I reacted then but I'd like us to start over , I really like you now and I'd want to be that guy to help you get through this and help you overcome this stressful and agonizing stage."
He said leaning closer rubbing my shoulder back and forth.

"So please just have this dinner with me"he asked looking down into my eyes waiting for an answer.

"Okay fine. I'd go on a date with you but the feeling ain't mutual"I said trying to make everything clear before going on the date.

"Oh Good !!!! Thanks skai "he squealed for Joy.

Sekani after using all the time in the world to look for a silly jacket strolled towards us looking excited.

"Nice move bro !!! I told you she'd....oops"he stopped talking like he was about to spill a secret.

"Oh wait , you know about this too ? Oh that's why you were awkward and went to look for a stupid jacket .... Sekani I'm going to kill you" I said dropping my drink heading towards Sekani who started running around the field while Mike followed trying to stop me.


I was dressed up in my black vintage gown with my natural hair flowing freely and ended immediately on my shoulder. I wasn't a fan of make up so I just had my dress on and my purse to go.

I was waiting outside for Mike, he  said he'd be here by 7pm but it's 7:10 already. Well maybe he's just fashionably late.

After some while his car parked in front of me then I got in and we drove down to the restaurant.

"Wow what a really nice place "I said as we settled down and placed our orders.

"Yeah, I eat here a lot and I know the boss maybe you should talk to him if he needs someone to audit their account and stuff like that"Mike said with a huge smile.

We told the waiter what we wanted and she left to get them. Then a familiar figure came behind Mike and he waved his hand.

"What ?! Andre !" I shouted shocked and annoyed to see his face after a long time .

"Hey babe , happy to see me ?"he said sarcastically.

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