Black Roses

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I drove home thinking about the new responsibility granted upon me to run the Orchard Industries. I struggled to keep my mind on the road but the thoughts about the dinner flooded my mind.

I arrived at my house and parked my car right in front of the building. I approached my doorstep and I found a bouquet of black roses with a gift card pinned to it.

I picked up the flowers and read the content of the card. My heart raced with shivers running through my spine as I read through the card.

Hello Skai,

You have a really nice place here,I myself took sometime to explore the interiors besides you should really check up on Sekani to see if he's okay. I miss you a lot and I'm gonna have you.

Lots of love,

How did he get inside my house ? Is he still inside ? What has he done to Sekani ? I asked myself these questions in my head before running inside to call my brother.

I called Sekani three times in a row but he didn't pick. I was scared wondering why Sekani hasn't picked any of my calls. I began to cry thinking Andre has done something to Sekani.

I decided to call Sekani once more , fortunately he picked. Relief rushed through my body hearing his voice.

"Hey sis"He said with a tired and sleepy voice.

"Sekani ! Where are you ? Are you okay ? Why didn't you pick my calls earlier ?"I threw loads of questions at him while crying profusely.

"I'm fine, I was asleep then your call woke me up. What's the problem? Why are you crying ?"He asked with alertness in his voice.

"Nothing important just that I miss you a lot with a lot of memories coming up into my mind so I decided to call you." I lied to him not wanting him to be worried so it wouldn't take his attention off school.

"Oh sis, stop crying okay? I'm going to be home during the holidays and that's going to be for a while so I'd be around you for a long time."He reassuringly told me and that made me feel at ease a little but I was still troubled.

"Okay Sekani, I'm not crying anymore. Take care of yourself and be good. I have to let you go back to sleep, bye. I love you bro."I said while letting out a fake laugh.

"Thanks sis and I love you more"He hung up.

I broke down on the floor feeling scared and paranoid. Why is Andre coming back into my life and why is he scaring me, most importantly how long has he been having access into my house. I drowned myself in my thoughts before the drowsiness and unconsciousness of sleep overshadowed me.


The next day was a total mess for me because I lost track of the world. My thoughts and fears crowded my senses making me ignore the greetings from my fellow workmates.

I walked into Drake's office without greeting him. I settled in my seat still crowded by my thoughts wondering what Andre's next move would be.

"What's the problem with you ?"Drake asked with a scowl on his face.

I looked up at him with an expressionless face not minding his arrogance.

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