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I woke up from bed feeling much better. My head felt lighter and my vision was clearer now. I took my pills then got out of bed to have lunch downstairs.

I could see the twins and their mom preparing the table for lunch. The food looked good but I've never seen any food like it before.

"Heyyy Skai is here !"Busayo said with so much excitement like she's been waiting for me to come downstairs.

"Hi you're always energetic I wish I have such energy."I said as I laughed while rolling my eyes.

"And it gets really annoying at times."Busola said while dropping some dishes on the table.

Busayo stuck her tongue out at Busola  who gave her a dirty look. I laughed at how cute they were while having their childish fights.

"Quit it you two ! Skai how are you feeling now ? " Their mom cautioned the girls before asking me.

"I'm very much better and I feel good and I'm sorry Mrs Johnson for fainting on your doorstep."I laughed while finishing my statements because we didn't have a good introduction because I fainted before I could talk to them.

"Oh sweety it's fine and you can call me Adesola."She said still laughing because of what I said earlier.

"A-dey-showla"I tried to pronounce her name using American phonetics which made her and the girls laugh.

"No it's Adesola, you have to drop the phonetics when it comes to Yoruba names, don't worry you'd get used to it"Busola smiled as she corrected me.

"Yeah yeah where's dad and Drake, I'm starving !"Busayo grumbled as she slumped into one of the dinning seat. She always have this cute childish character which gave me a hint that she's the younger twin.

"Honey let's have lunch."Adesola said with a high tone so Kelvin could hear her from wherever he was then I saw him coming in from the garden through the glass door in the dinning room.

"Hey fam! How are you Skai ?"He asked me while taking a seat at the table. My focus was on Drake who I could see through the glass door, he was still sitting on the grass and he didn't look like he was coming for dinner.

"Uhm I'm better, what about him ?"I pointed towards the glass door referring to Drake.

"Well he's not coming he's clearing a lot of things from his stuffed head." Kelvin said as he adjusted his plate in front of him.

"I guess he's seeing his period that explains his moods."Busola said while Busayo smiled at her naughtily while giving themselves a high five.

"Okay that's a nice one"I laughed at Busola's statement while Kelvin was trying not too laugh because Adesola was giving him a stern look.

"Okay girls let's pray so we could dig into this feast."Kelvin said before closing his eyes for prayer. After prayer we all started eating. The meal tasted really nice but it was really peppery.

Drake was still outside and the day was evolving into evening. We had finished lunch and I helped Adesola with the twins to wash the dishes.

We all stepped out of the kitchen laughing at something the twins said but my attention was still on Drake who was still in the garden.

"Just go talk to him already ! You've been looking at him all day "Busayo pushed me towards the glass door.

She was right , I needed to talk to him because our fight has been bugging me. I slid open the door slowly and quietly as I made my way to garden.

He was sitting in the green grass with a glass of wine by his side. The color that radiated from the sun set enhanced his skin color. He looked really good with his fitted T-shirt and denim trousers.

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