The Request

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You know that feeling when you feel a thousand butterflies are in your tummy and your body get tingles of joy mixed with the flush of warmth rushing through your vein,well that's how I felt as Drake kissed me.

He slowly pulled away from me with his hands still on my cheeks. I still had my eyes closed reliving the moment in my head.

"Skai."He called me which made me open my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"So the feeling is mutual." He chuckled as his smile became broad revealing his white set of teeth.

"Oh no,you just took advantage of me." I smirked as I slapped his shoulder slightly.

"Oh yeah but you didn't seem to stop me, you even closed your eyes and look at you, you're all red." He smiled gesturing his hands towards my face showing how much I'm blushing.

I couldn't say anything else because he was right about that but I just can't admit any feelings to be him because I was unsure of how I felt towards him.

"Oh well, we'd see how things goes."He said as he got up from the bed and walked towards the table where the mug and cookies were.

"Skai, what were you doing on that road  ?"He asked as he stuffed his mouth with one of the cookies.

My smile and jolly mood vanished as I remembered what had happened earlier today.

"I was coming from the hospital." I looked down at my fingers that were fondling with the loose ends of the over sized shirt.

He paced towards me with the mug in his hands, he took his seat beside me and I could smell the sweet scent of hot chocolate.

"Are you okay ? Are you sick ?" He had his eyebrows furrowed as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, I didn't go there because of me. I went there..." I couldn't control the tears that were now bubbling in my eyes,I tried to wipe them away quickly but Drake noticed it.

He put the mug down on the bedside table and put his hands around me as he drew me closer.

"Why were you there ?" He looked into my eyes as he wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"Mr Orchard died today." I blurted out before the flood of tears that I had been storing rushed out of my eyes.
Drake had his eyes widened with his lips slightly parted,he was motionless for a while.

He stroked my back slightly as I cried on his chest,I cried my eyes out on his hard body and I watched as my tears soaked his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Skai." He stroked my hair slightly as he rested his chin on my head.


I opened my eyes and I realized that I was laying under the duvet on the bed,maybe I fell asleep in Drake arms and he tucked me into bed.

He was nowhere to be found in the room,well I didn't expect him to spend the night in the same room with me.

I got up from the bed,said a quick prayer and dashed into the bathroom to brush my teeth,I couldn't take my bath because I had no clothes to wear.

I climbed down the stairs and approached the kitchen where I could hear laughter and chattering. I walked into the kitchen and my mouth dropped because of what my gaze fell upon.

Drake was shirtless,he only had joggers on. He was standing behind the kitchen counter whisking a batter.

He flexed his muscles as he whisked the batter. His abs and muscles were carefully constructed and firm.

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