More Responsibilities

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I drove down to Mr Orchard's house to have dinner with his family. I arrived at his gate.

I drove in to park in the car park located opposite the garden in his home. His house was so beautiful with the white colour used to paint the buildings making the building stand out. It was a mansion with lots of flowers surrounding the corners of the house.

"Follow me , Miss Skai"One of the bodyguards escorted me to the door leading into the house.

We walked into the house and I almost gasped looking at the beauty of the house with so much pictures of his family hanging around alongside beautiful paintings.

The stairs leading upstairs were adorned with red carpet where someone could walk on. Soon enough a pretty old lady with an apron strapped to her body came out of the kitchen.

She was so pretty,her blonde hair was put in a pony tail and her blue eyes complemented her white but tanned skin. This woman looked too beautiful to be old.

"Oh Skai is around!"She said walking towards where I stood pulling me into a hug, I returned the favour still surprised that she knows me.

"I'm Sarah , Orchard's wife. He told us you were having dinner with us today."She said pulling out of the hug.

"Oh wow that's nice and you look really good by the way"I said finally realizing how she got to know me.

"Yes , My husband has told us a lot about you and based on what he has told us ,we really think you are the one."She said with a huge smile.

"The one for what ?"I asked her in confusion.

"Okay that's enough mom, why don't we get the dinning table ready for dinner." A young guy who looked like the same age as Sekani said as he came out of the kitchen with some dishes in his hand.

He dropped them on the table while his mom went back into the kitchen to bring out more dishes.

"Hi I'm Jason, I'm Mr Orchard's son,you don't need to tell me who you are , we already know"He said stretching his hands our for a handshake with a smile.

I shook his hands slightly giving him a smile. Maybe this was Sekani's classmate he told me about when I applied for this job.

"Do you by any chance know any Sekani Hart ?"I asked him after letting go of his hands.

"Yeah, we were friends in highschool, I heard he's in college now"He said with a tone of happiness but he ended with a sad tone.

"Well I'm his sister"His eyes lit up as he heard my words.

"I thought as much,wow you're very much welcome, come sit here"He gestured me to a seat at the well structured dinner table that had some dishes on it.

"Thanks, why aren't you in college yet ?"I asked him as he settled in the seat beside me.

"Yeah everyone ask me that"He said rolling his eyes while his mom came in and dropped some dishes and sat across the table.

"Jason has dyslexia , so he can't afford to go to college "She said while giving Jason a pity look.

"But it could be managed"I said looking over at Jason who was looking down at his plate.

"My case is different and unusual, so I've decided to be an artist, I can't express myself with words or writings but I can do that with my paintings"He said with a smile looking around the nice paintings on the wall which were obviously painted by him.

"Wow you are talented, Jason"I said while appreciating his good works.

"I guess you all are getting along without me"Mr Orchard said as he walked down the stairs wearing a red robe that matched the red carpet that trailed along the steps.

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