Untameable Anger

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Bottled up emotions can be likened to a storm, it can throw you in different directions making you tumble endlessly before it swoons you and drowns you within it's deep and dark bottom.

That's how I felt before pouring out how I felt to Drake,I told him the whole story about my dad and I and how I left his house with Sekani's responsibility upon me.

I was feeling a little relived, I guess this is why we all need a companion. We all need that one person we could talk to and let him or her know about all your struggles. They would act like a saviour to save us from that strong storm of our emotions.

"That's explains your untameable anger." Drake said as he made circles with his fingers on the back of my palm.

We were both laying on my bed, I laid my fragile self on Drake's strong and hard body while he grasped my hands with his wide palms.

"I'm not ready to have him in my life." I shut my eyes tightly still feeling a little angry about what happened at the cafe.

"So you wish to be fatherless ?" He squeezed my hands slightly and I could fell him arching one of his brows behind me.

"As long as he's not hurting me and my family." I said slowly as I massaged the bridge of my nose.

"Your family, your father is also part of that family, you know right ?" I turned my body towards him as I detangled myself from him.

"What are you trying to say ? Because I'm not understanding why you're speaking in his favour." I narrowed my eyes into slits as I peered into his eyes.

"I'm not speaking in anyone's favour,all I'm saying is this man is your father and whether you like it or not his blood flows within you. He's your father and you can't block out your own father." He peered into my eyes with all seriousness but he had a firm smirk on his lips.

"So you're saying I should take him back into my life because he cried himself like a crappy baby!" I growled as I pushed myself off the bed which made Drake roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Babe,come back and give me a chance to explain." He stretched his arms to welcome me back into the bed.

"No I've gotten your point, you just can't understand what I'm going through that's why you're giving me pointless advise." I waved him off in anger as I slumped in the sofa that was opposite the bed.

"Oh my angry Skai." He chuckled to himself as he walked over to where I sat.

"Don't come closer." I warned.

"Shut up." Drake said as he knelt before me clenching my knees firmly.

"Now, that you're quiet listen to me. Your father made horrible mistakes in the past and they can't be justified." I nodded at his statement as I was about to say something.

"Not so fast..." He put out a finger to stop me before speaking again. "But that doesn't mean his actions can't be forgiven, he's your father and he's remorseful about what he has done to you, your brother and most importantly your mom." He smiled as he spat out each word, his smile was warm and friendly.

"I know you're hurt and you feel like you don't want him around you but that's just anger. A huge part of you wants his familiar love and care, Skai you should be happy you still have your father alive to make amendments..." He paused as he cocked his head downwards then he looked up at me and he cupped my cheeks.

"Look at me for example, I made lot of mistakes which hurt my dad every time but I never got the chance to apologise or make amends because he's dead. Skai all I'm saying is give him a chance before it's too late." He was smiling wider than earlier, a huge part of me told me that smile was hiding the pain and guilt he was feeling at the moment.

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