Here Comes The Boom

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The sharp rays of light entered my eyes as I slowly opened them. I felt sore and weak as I struggled to adjust myself in my seat.

I looked up at the window which reflected light rays into the car which made me squint my eyes.

"Thought you were dead." My attention was caught by Becky's voice. I sharply looked at her who was sitting beside me.

She was still wearing her black jumpsuit but this time she had a black leather jacket over it with her face firmly fixed on her phone.

I looked down at my hands that were tied together, there were red swollen marks around my wrists because of how tight the chains were.

"Why ?" I asked her as I looked up at her.

"Were you deaf when I told you everything earlier ?" She said with her eyes still fixed on her phone.

"No, I'm asking why you chose this path." Her eyes rose up from her screen as she raised one of her brows at me.

"What ?!"

"You could have been a good sister and support Mike and be like a sister to me and share all I have but you had to be a sneaky greedy brat!" I seethed as I said those words with closed teeth.

I felt a huge hit on my face which made me slam my face into the back of the seat in front of me.

The car came to an immediate stop which made me tumble on the floor, I groaned as I hit my head against a metallic object.

"Mind your words, you cheap slut!" She shouted at my face as she leaned her head closer to where I laid down.

"Keep driving!" She shouted at the driver who immediately started driving.

"Cheap ?!" I said as I narrowed my eyes as I felt a banging pain at the back of my head.

"Yes of course, that's what you are. Just after you ended things with Andre, you're warming the bed of Drake!" I gasped in shock at her words because this was someone who used nice words at me but now she's spitting harsh words at my face.

I closed my eyes tightly as I swallowed the harsh accusations she threw at me. "We both know that's a lie." I said as I tried to get up but that proved impossible because of my bounded hands.

"Everything's a lie, Skai." She rolled her eyes as she tucked her phone into her jacket.

"Correction, everything about you is a lie." She let out a heavy sigh as she grabbed me by braids and dragged me back into the seat.

"You're just being sore." I whined in pain as I relaxed my head against the seat.

"Right from the very start everything you knew was a lie." She smirked as she turned in her seat to face me.

"Well at first, I liked you but you were gaining all the attention from the guys even from my own admirers." She chuckled softly as she cocked her head sideways.

"Even when we did shifts at bars or we worked as janitors you were always the shining star and then I thought, who the hell are you ?! " I frowned at her as I couldn't recognize my best friend anymore.

"So why did you stick around ?"

"Of course, I had it in mind that as soon as I went to college I'd dump you but you just had to go to the same college." She pouted her lips as she sat upright in her seat."So I had to play the role of a supposed best friend. "

"You should have left me and saved me the heartbreak." I said as I looked away from her.

"Heartbreak ?! You don't know what heartbreak means." I turned my head to look at her with a disgust look on my face.

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