Abrasive Side

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"Babe, you guys just started the relationship and you're lying to him ?" Becky didn't like the idea of not informing Drake that I was going to see Mike.

"No it's not like I'm cheating on him or something. I need to give him a clear answer and let him know where we stand then I'm out." I said as I took a turn by my right and increased my speed.

"Where are you now ?" She asked me as she let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm driving down to meet him." I answered quickly because most of my attention was on the road.

"Okay then, but this is the last time I'd be lying for you." Her voice was now stern.

"Yeah and I'd make sure of that besides how are you feeling now ?" I made a stop at the point where Mike told me to meet him and it wasn't a restaurant or a bar,it was a house.

"A little better,I think sleeping would do the rest."My attention was not with her anymore as I looked around the house.

"Okay that's fine,I gotta go now,love you." I ended the call as I unbuckled the seat belt.

I came down from my car and unlocked it while I took a look at the house before me. It was a modern bungalow that was mostly built with polished wood.

I looked around the street and other houses were different from this one but I was relieved when I saw people walking in and out of their houses.

I decided to call Mike before entering into the house but before I could dial his number he walked out of the front door with a wide smile on his face.

"Hey beautiful." He melodiously greeted me as he walked towards me. He was wearing an apron and his sleeves were folded at his elbows.

"Hi, did you change your apartment or something ?" I asked as I pointed at the house.

"Yeah,I rented this one for a while because it's closer to where I'm currently running a contract." He came to an halt when he finally reached where I stood.

"Oh okay, that's nice." I nodded my head as I looked over at the house. I never knew he was that rich to rent a full house for a while just because of it's proximity to his workplace, anyways he's a millionaire.

"C'mon let's go in." He put a arm on my back as he walked me into the house.

My eye caught a man who was peeking at us as he stood behind one the walls as the rear end of the house, he was wearing a black hood and a face cap that prevented me from seeing his face clearly.

"There's a man in your backyard." I stopped walking as I looked up at Mike.

"Yeah, he's a plumber. He's fixing up the pipes." He smiled as he opened the door for me to enter into the house.

I shrugged as I walked into the house,it was a lovely apartment with lovely set of furniture laying around.

For a rented apartment, this place seemed like a house that someone had moved into for a while and was planning to stay for a long time.

"Are you sure your staying in here is temporary ?" I chuckled as I took my seat in one of the couches in the living room.

"Yeah, ofcourse. I just wanted it to be comfy and cozy for me." He shrugged as he dimmed the lights in the room.

"Why did you dim the lights ?" I arched one of my brows as I sat on the edge of the couch.

"Skai,relax. It's a dinner,who eats dinner with a full blown light ?" Even if he sounded alluring,I wasn't still convinced besides this wasn't like a dinner to me.

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