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Katsuki was the sole prince of the Bakugou Empire. He was going to be next in line for being King. The people's hopes rested on his shoulders. He never felt like he lacked anything. His orders were absolute. His word was set. He had the power to control a kingdom. He could do anything. Anything. That's what people said, that's what they knew, that's what they thought. No, they weren't completely wrong but if they were completely right Bakugou wouldn't be getting yelled at by the King right now for wanting to make one decision. The only decision he had fought to make, and the only one he wasn't allowed to.


| Bakugou POV |

"Katsuki! Don't you dare raise your voice against me! It has been passed down for generations, you will obey my order and that is a command!" the King roared. His glowing red orbs fixed onto Katsuki's. He was usually calm unless someone tried messing with his word. He was just too stereotypical.

"I'll do what I want, and you have no right to tell me otherwise!" I yelled before slamming the door shut and storming out of the room and into the palace garden. 

Damn it.

I whispered under my breath. What the people believed was wrong. No, I didn't have the power to do anything I wanted. I didn't have the power to make every decision. I never had the power to even want anything.

I knew my little tantrum today was useless. I knew my father's words were set and that no matter how loud I shout it'll always be unheard. I knew this ever since I was little but I had underestimated the grip on my chain.

I massaged my temples, slowly cursing underneath my breath. The one decision I wanted to make for myself, the one most important decision I needed to make wasn't even consulted with me about, forget about being asked.

I don't usually get so worked up over things like this. I always knew my limits and always knew the consequences of crossing it, but it didn't mean I was going to give up my self-worth so easily. It was late evening and if I didn't report back to my room they'll have the entire country notified about my absence. Talk about privacy.

I walked away from the garden and into my room. I was greeted by Kaminari, my personal guard. He wasn't bad. He was strong and had a sense of humor, maybe if he wasn't such a crackhead I would have respected him. He was like an elder brother to me.

Nonetheless, he was there for me at times, and my only consolidation through rough times, especially without her.

"Get yelled at by your dad again."He commented still standing poised outside my door.

I just nodded a bit and walked back in. He just smiled back. It was something else I liked about him, he was never too nosy, when he needed to be. 


I could finally slouch my shoulders, relax my back, and ruffle through my hair. I had to be perfect outside, these doors were my only comfort at times like these. I laid down on my bed groaning at the thought of what had happened during dinner. My dad had wanted me to get married to the princess of the neighboring kingdom, so it would form an alliance and increase our economy or something like that. He was asking me to give away my entire life, to form a family with someone I had never even see in my entire life, and for what reason, for the kingdom. It was all that ever really mattered, for the kingdom this, for the kingdom that, even a prince...for the kingdom. 

He hadn't even confered with me about it and had scheduled for the princess and her family to come to the castle in two days, and he's telling me this now. Someone would have to be mindless to be okay with this. Then again, my father knew I could never get married if he didn't force me. 

My reputation described me well. A handsome prince, with a heart of ice. I was known to be cold-hearted or being short-tempered. I guess I might come out that way but I just never really like involving myself too much, but I suppose that's being cold-hearted.

I changed out of the heavy garments and into something much more comfortable, something my dad would most certainly scowl at. I covered myself in the peach comforter thinking of a way to change my father's mind before day-after-tomorrow. I came up with a few but I always thought of a way they might backfire. I always knew I was a pessimist, but I always had someone to change my mind. It had been too long since that person was around though. As I drifted into my thoughts my eyes fluttered close, into another nightmare waiting to invite me. 

That was my living nightmare by day and by night.  


I woke up the next morning. Sweat dripping from my head, as I panted in fear from the nightmare before. Someone was banging at the door. I lazily got up and went towards the door. The servant had left my breakfast with Kaminari after their repeated attempts in failing to get me to come to get the breakfast myself.

I told Kaminari to come in and have breakfast with me since I really didn't want to be alone.

"Anofer nishmare..."He asked while eating his pancakes. 

"Yes, and please refrain from speaking and eating at the same time," I said giving him a slightly disgusted look.

He just hummed and kept eating.

"So who's the girl?"He asked about the marriage, thankfully, this time with his mouth empty.

"Some princess of the neighboring kingdom, hell I don't even know her damn name!"I revolted back, angered by what had happened the night before.

"Really, who knows she might be pretty? And maybe she isn't bad once you get to know her," he said, I could tell he was trying to calm me down.

"I really don't know, and I don't even have that much time to change my father's mind she's coming here tomorrow."I annoyingly spoke, poking one of the grapes on my plate.

"T-tomorrow!"Kaminari said almost choking on his pancake.

"Your dad really has no chill," he said before digging into his pancakes once again. 

"The word chill doesn't even exist in his dictionary, I honestly think he doesn't know what it means," I said and both of us chuckled a bit at the joke.

After he was done Kaminari walked back out and straightened his position and plastered an emotionless face, not before flashing a smile back at me.

I felt much better after that, but it still didn't change the fact that I had to meet the girl, and possibly get married to her, tomorrow.  

I sighed before getting dressed into another over-exaggerated outfit that clearly looked to heavy for me. I sheathed a small dagger and put it around my waist before exiting my room, Kaminari following behind me as my personal guard. 

This was the only day I had to convince my dad to call off the marriage, and the chances that I would succeed were honestly zero to none.

But then I smirked a bit remembering what she always says,  

Even when hope may be grim, there will be a chance, 

although quite slim, it's still there forever since.

I sighed, she really did love words with hidden meanings.


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