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Bakugou was restless. Like a kindergartener before a field trip to the zoo. He woke up at least four times in the middle of the night, to make sure he wasn't late, but obviously, one in the morning wasn't really being late. When he finally woke up at the right time, he had lost count of the previous attempts. He got up and started getting dressed. It was still dark outside, and there weren't too many lights on since everybody was asleep. He was actually in a really good mood. For him doing literally anything with Izuku was fabulous, but today Izuku had especially told him to wear messy, almost raggy clothes. Wearing what Bakugou usually wears would no doubt attract way too much attention, and they had to be sneaky, because, well Bakugou was the royal prince. 

Bakugou walked out and headed towards the garden, wearing the only clothing he had that looked a bit "raggy". Izuku was already there since he didn't need to spend as much time rummaging through his closet in an effort to find something less...extravagant. 

"Kachan! You made it," Izuku cheered, but soon the cheer faded. When Bakugou walked over Izuku could swear that he almost drooled. Apparently Bakugou's definition of less fancy was anything that wasn't prim and proper. He wore a black shirt that was torn from the top, leaving a few strings still attached, a pair of tight light brown pants, and long boots. He looked like a rascal that drinks all day and gambles at night. He would honestly attract even more attention like this, and most certainly not in the way that would be preferred. 

"Bakugou, you..." Izuku stood speechless.

"What? I couldn't find anything less appealing, though I do have to say it's really comfortable," Bakugou answered, completely oblivious to how he looked. He never really went outside the castle before so, how's he to know what he currently looked like.

Izuku sighed, knowing that if he tried explaining it wouldn't do anything, "Here, wear this, you may not be dressed like a prince, but you still look like one, so keep the hood on at all times." Izuku explained and handed Bakugou a black hood.

Bakugou took the hood, draping the raven cloth down his shoulders before tying it around his neck. "So, when are we leaving?" he asked.

"We'll leave in a bit, the shops don't open this early and the black markets usually opened at night, trust me, you don't want to be there," Izuku explained before taking a seat beside Bakugou, who was seated on the bench in the gazebos.

"We have a black market? What do you even do there?" Bakugou asked.

"Oh, it's not anything bad, it's just called the black market because it opens at night, but not including some of the drunkards that roam the streets, it really is a wonderful place. All of the traders that come from far and wide opens stores at that time, and I believe that there is literally nothing you can't get from there. There always some sort of show going on, and the streets are lit with colored lanterns, it's a wonderful place, absolutely incredible, maybe we should go there sometime, yeah!" gushed Izuku, causing Bakugou to laugh a bit.

"What's so funny?" Izuku asked unaware of the excitement that flooded his voice when he spoke of the market.

"Nothing, I just thought you were extremely cute," Bakugou answered, unfazed by the pout that appeared on Izuku's face when he was called cute.

"Am not! How many time do I have to say this, I am not cute!" Izuku sounded looked like an angry bunny.

"Are so, Izuku maybe you're being modest, or just absolutely clueless but you're adorable," Bakugou confirmed leaning closer to Izuku to pinch his cheeks.

"No, I'm not! And if I'm cute then you're cute as well!" he huffed.

"Sweetheart, you being cute doesn't mean I'm cute, I'm handsome, charming, and as you've said, dashing, have you seen these muscles," Bakugou snickered, smirking at how Izuku's cheeks blushed after hearing the nickname.

"A-again with the nicknames, I told you c-call me Izuku, and no I am not cute," Izuku argued again, trying to prove his statement.

"But you're way smaller than me," Bakugou stated, eyeing Izuku from top to bottom.

"You meant shorter, you're just tall," Izuku fought back.

"Izu, come here," Bakugou stated, and picked Izuku up from where he was sitting and put him on his lap. Sure, it was an attempt to show Izuku that bakugou was clearly much more built than Izuku, but he didn't have to get Izuku to straddle him for that. Bakugou knew exactly what he was doing, and exactly what he wanted to do.  

"eek, What, put me down, okay, okay I get it," Izuku protested, but as if that did anything.

"No, I don't want to what're you going to do," Bakugou replied.

"Wh-what do you want me to do, Kachan, p-put me down," Izuku mumbled, this time a bit embarrassed. 

"How about a kiss, I'm still mad about yesterday you know," Bakugou pleaded, not that he wasn't planning on doing it all along.

"What, no, we have to get goin-," Izuku was cut off. 

Bakugou leaned up kissed Izuku. It started with a peck, but soon it escalated to something way more. At first, Izuku did try to protest, but he soon gave in, gave in to his heart's yearning. Bakugou smirked when he realized Izuku kissed back. Their lips fitting like they were made for each other.  Izuku's hands were on Bakugou neck; his back arched a bit. Occasionally Bakugou would squeeze Izuku's hips, letting small whimpers to leave his mouth. But he wanted more. He pulled Izuku closer to him, causing the freckled boy to gasp at the sudden action.


Bakugou slid his tongue in Izuku's mouth. A small squeak leaving Izuku's lips. Izuku's eyes open, showing how surprised he was. Bakugou looked up at Izuku through their kiss, sheer desire, and cockiness radiating through his gaze. It send shivers down Izuku's spine. Izuku's hands pulling on Bakugou's hair every time Bakugou teased him.  Bakugou's hands slid down to Izuku's thighs, muffled moans leaving his lips every time Bakugou squeezed them.  Bakugou took over the kiss, Izuku completely getting dominated. 

"K-Kach, mhm," Izuku's moans sounded heavenly to Bakugou. His tongue exploring every untouched area in Izuku's mouth. Bakugou bit Izuku's bottom lip, before detaching their mouths; yet not moving an inch away from him. Both of them were breathing heavily, finally getting a chance to breathe.

"K-kachan, w-we have to get going," Izuku breathed, still a mess after the kiss. 

Bakugou just hummed in response. He pecked Izuku's lips once more before getting up.

"Let's g-go," mumbled Izuku as he walked in front of Bakugou.

Bakugou couldn't help but smirk at how the back of Izuku's neck blushed. He put his hood on and followed behind Izuku.

Izuku showed his pass to the guard and told him that Bakugou was a slave that he was bringing along, and the guard let them go. Bakugou couldn't help but be a bit offended being called a slave but he knew he had to let it go. As soon as they were far away from the gates, Izuku grabbed onto Bakugou's hands and pulled him along.

"Hurry up, dummy!" Izuku cheered and pulled Bakugou along, Izuku's hood falling off his head. 

Bakugou smiled at the green-haired boy, surprised at how soft and small Izuku's hands were. He ran along with Izuku, one hand on his hood to secure it from falling. He couldn't stop smiling for some reason. Was it because he was finally going outside, was it because the weather was good because he was holding Izuku's hand because he was with the boy he loved because he could finally rely on someone, there were many reasons. 

However, at that moment he was reminded by a saying from her, You could say venturing down to the deepest bottom of the ocean, capturing all the stars in the universe, carrying the entire sky was all possible when it was for the one person all of it mattered for when it was for the one person you love. 

Bakugou smirked, he got his answer. He was happy, he was beyond happy because he was with the love of his life, he was with Izuku Midoriya.


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