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"KATSUKI BAKUGOU! OPEN THE DOOR! YOU CAN'T JUST CAVE IN YOUR ROOM!" yelled a voice followed by violent banging.

Bakugou just dipped his head deeper into his pillow, trying to block out all of the commotions. After a while, it stopped, but it was unusual for Kaminari to just stop. He lifted his head up a bit, thinking that maybe he could wake up in peace.

"Katsuki, stop being such a brat, get out," commanded a cold voice.

His eyes instantly widened. A voice so cold, and raspy. A voice intertwined with such hatred, remorseless darkness, there was none that still lived who didn't recognize the voice. 

"F-father," Bakugou whispered underneath his breath. He quickly changed out of his pajamas, mercilessly yanking heavy garments out of his closet. 


|Bakugou POV |

I quickly opened the door. I wasn't usually this stiff around him, but who wouldn't be scared if the devil himself stood at your door, giving you your morning call. 

"Father, what do you want..." I asked, not the slightest bit of emotion in my voice. I had learned through my years. Anything that was mine, was reaped, and anything I loved, was hated. I learned to not show him any emotion accept sole hatred, but recently he'd grown wiser, or maybe I was just never up to par.

"I just heard the loud commotion and when I was informed it was because you refused to leave your sleeping chambers I was revolted at your unrefined act of such excruciating disgrace," he spoke his voice glazed with dignity and a refined polish of perfection. It honestly made me barf.

Such a colorful usage of vocabulary!

I clicked my tongue at his over excessive usage of words. Such harsh words directed at someone who just wanted to sleep for another five more minutes weren't needed.

"Anyway, you looked dressed so I suppose I'll let you off after all this is your day, make sure you smile," he stated, I could feel the victorious amusement in his voice. It annoyed me to the max, I wanted to punch the living soul out of him. I'm sure Kaminari saw that as well. I felt him grab my already balled-up fist.

I saw my father sneak a smirk on his proud face before walking away.

"Not now Bakugou, just wait for a bit," I heard Kaminari whisper in an attempt to settle me, his hand still tightened around my wrist.

"I know, I'm not that dumb to fall for his words" I groaned back, yanking my hand back.

"You looked like a wild dog that got his food stolen," Kaminari commented.

"Shut up, I wasn't that mad," I revolted, stomping away from there. 

Yeah, today was my day. To be precise, my engagement, and I had counted the days, the hours, the minutes, for hell, even the seconds to this day. I hated it, I don't think I could name a few things, I hated everything about it.  I was planning on sleeping in the entire day, waking up only to the ball where I would sneak away with Izuku. But of course, here I am hearing the fake congratulations of people I didn't even know. Not that any of it mattered, tonight's ball was a masquerade ball. Nobody had to be their royal dignified self or their shy self. Nobody knew who you were, and there was a feeling of security, but also madness behind it. You did anything behind the delusion of secrecy, and the freedom of anything had a vicious demeanor. Not that I wasn't planning on taking advantage of the cloak of secrecy, it was exactly my plan. 

I kept my thoughts occupied with myself and sometimes(many times) Izuku and some other matters that were better than this. I kept flailing my arm at unknown people, lying through my teeth about my happiness on the day. It was like a flock of sheep flocking in one place, each one being as fake as their shepherd. After what felt like hours, I finally felt like the endless suffocation of anonymous auras had come to an end. I didn't even get to eat breakfast, so that's what I decided to do.

The only thing about this castle I loved - the food. I marched over to the kitchen, happy as a bird on a spring morning. I was expecting a roar of people to be there preparing the food for tonight, but to my surprise, it was oddly quiet. 

I walked in, still, vary of anybody being there and true to my concerns there was someone. But I wasn't annoyed, in fact, I was quite pleased. I walked closer towards the mop of green hair. The silence amplified every whisper in the room. The ruffling if the curtains were echoing, and the steady chopping of food was so very loud. I tried my best to keep quiet, but even my softest steps were heard. The clean taps of my boots hitting against the wooden planks were so loud, but Izuku didn't look back, not once. The quietest of sounds are only heard by the ones that listen for them. I suppose Izuku wasn't expecting someone right then. 

When I felt like I was close enough I spread my arms wide and wrapped them around his waist. 

"What are you cooking," I whispered in his ear, trying to hide my excitement. 

"Waah, oh it's just you Kachan, what're you doing I almost got a heart attack! Do you know how dangerous it is to scare someone with a knife! It could've fallen, I could've gotten hurt, or worse you could've! What if something spilled on you, it's the kitchen don't act so recklessly. And I've told you to stop whispering in my ears, it tickles. Why are you even here, do you not have other things to d-"

I couldn't help myself from laughing at him. He had his cheeks puffed a bit, maybe because he was mad. He looked like an angry bunny.

"Now you laugh at me," I heard him chastise.

"No, I'm sorry, you just look like an angry bunny, maybe a squirrel, "I commented, still in my fit of laughter. 

"How about you show me your face, and stop standing behind me," he asked, I could already see what he was about to do.

"How about I not get punched in the face today, I'm just going to stay right here," I said and tightened my grip around his waist in refusal.

I heard him sigh, but then he went back to cutting. 

"What're you cooking?" I asked.

"Are you blind?" Well someone woke up on the wrong side. So salty Izu.

"Fine, give me a bite I want to try it," I asked, still trying to persuade him.

"Fine, here," he gave in and brought a small cube of carrot above his shoulder. 

"Thank you, I'm ever so grateful!" I exaggerated, and ate the bite, of course not forgetting to tease him a bit about his less than respectful display before. 

"Ack" I heard him make a weird sound before speaking back, "Why do you act like an overgrown dog, why'd you lick my finger."

"You know what this is the second time I was called a dog today, maybe they were totally different references, but I was still called that," I pouted.

"Maybe an angry pomeranian, that's more like it," I heard him comment.

"Hey, I'm no-" I stopped myself when I saw his cheeks flush a bit, a small giggle leaving his mouth. I would literally give everything for that smile, it was so perfect. The way little dimples formed on his freckled cheeks when he laughed, the way his laughs were soft but noticeable. I was captured in a delightful scene. So many feelings arisen in me right then, but there was also that unfamiliar one. The one that made me almost fear myself for thinking like that. I felt like I could eat him up. I started seeing things clearer, and my mind got foggier. His bare neck, soft features, defined collar bone. I felt as if I was slowly losing myself, just as I had done before. I didn't even realize when I moved so close to Izuku. 


When you want someone more than you can possibly have you do strange things. Although, honestly, who doesn't want to be wanted? Her words didn't mean anything to me back then, but maybe now they had way too much meaning.  

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