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"Ow, ow ow, I'm sorry, please let me go, holy crap, you can't kill me I have a whole life in front of me!" Kaminari shrieked in pain once more as Bakugou punched his shoulder. The loud clanking of their boots and clashing of their swords against their suites resonated through the hallways. 

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before barging into my room like that," Bakugou growled back, still mad at Kaminari for today morning.

"Oh, come one, it's not like you'll never see him again, you can do it some other time!" Kaminari groaned at the number of times Bakugou had hit him.

"It wasn't just that, he was going to..." Bakugou said a bit flustered at Kaminari's previous comment.

"To?" Kaminari asked.

"Nothing, just know the next time you barge into my room without knocking you'll have to eat the food provided for the slaves, now less talk more walk." Bakugou himself knew how stupid it was to say why he was this furious, and he knew Kaminari couldn't fight him over food so he kept quiet and both of them walked towards the dining hall. Bakugou letting out another exhausted groan before entering the dining hall. 


A few hours ago Izuku had left from the back door, saying that he had to leave quickly before someone realized he wasn't outside. With a lot, of pestering Izuku told Bakugou that it was Toga that slapped and that she had seen them dance. Bakugou's eyes were wide, as he started thinking that maybe she had also seen..., but Izuku confirmed she had only seen the dance and had gotten mad so she slapped him and told him to stay outside for the night. Bakugou was infuriated to say the least, but he knew if he went and confronted Toga about this it would only lead to her harming Izuku more, and he couldn't take her off her post since it wasn't his call to make. They decided they would just play it off naturally, for now, and if she further questioned about it just say that Izuku's dancing skills were pathetic, that the prince was forced to teach. Even Izuku knew how stupid that sounded but he played along with it. With that Izuku ran out and started doing his morning chores. 




"BAKUGOU KATSUKI," the King roared for the final time.

"What!...oh, um father, yes," Bakugou snapped but quickly regained his composure, after seeing it was his father and everybody else on the table. His mind had been clouded with thoughts of Izuku Midoriya ever since that morning. He was the definition of what you'd call a lovesick fool, or what others would call it, whipped.

The king cleared his throat before looking back at Bakugou, " So as I was saying now that the country knows about your marriage, I believe an engagement is to be ordered, two months from now doesn't sound bad right!"

I scoffed, an engagement, you want me to get married to a girl I've only known for a week, hell, I haven't even spoken to her more than three times! Bakugou was being a bit of a hypocrite right then, though. Because if his father said that he could marry Izuku, he would've done without batting an eye.

Jiro was in shock as well. She almost dropped the butterknife she was using, but quickly caught, making sure to keep her image perfect. 

"Father, it's too soon, we've only met for a few weeks, you can't!" I shot back, trying to not curse at him.

"Katsuki, sit down, have you ever seen Jiro complain, no, because she has etiquette and respect, unlike some ungrateful child I know, so sit back down and if you're done eating you may leave." He huffed, trying to hide the anger in his voice.

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