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| Kaminari POV |

I walked behind the guard who was leading me. There was a foul smell clogging the air, groans of pain heard from each cell. I'd never want to work here, but I tried not thinking about it. I'm sure the prisoners didn't want to be here any more than I do. 

There was one thing about the cells here that was special. You could only know where you were from the outside. The insides were like a labyrinth. Unless you know your way around there was almost no way of escaping. Which is why even I didn't know which ward I was heading towards until I flashed the torch and someone came in.

"Take a left turn from there, it's the cell all the way to the end." the guard commented before turning away and walking away.

Such a friendly person! I sarcastically thought to myself but quickly continued towards the cell.

I saw the cell all the way towards the end, but it was soo dark that I couldn't really make out anything in it. I walked closer, and finally made out a dark figure in the corner. After telling the guard that was currently stationed there to leave I looked back into the cell and called out to him.

"Izuku!" I whisper yelled. He didn't hear me at first, so I did it again, this time hitting the cell bars softly.

"Wh-What do you w-want," I heard him stutter.

"No, Izuku it's me, Kaminari!" I reassured, and after a few moments of silence I saw him emerge out of the dark corner of his cell.

"Ka-Kaminari, what are y-you doi-"

"Izuku, are you okay!? Oh my god, you look so hurt, they didn't even wipe the blood off!" I spoke concerned. His bottom lip was definetally busted, a visible bruise on his right cheek, dried blood splattered on his clothes and his skin. Every few inches of his body had bruises scattered across. Even through the dim light I could see how hurt he was. Emotionally and physically.

"O-Oh yeah, It hurts a bit but it looks worse than it actually is," he shook it off. 

"No, no, no, it definetally doesn't," I started rummaging through my pockets for the extra key,"We're going to get you out," I said lowering my voice.

"By 'we' you mean you and..." he hesitantly asked, as I kept looking through the keys for the right one.

"Me, Jiro, Shinso, and...Bakugou," I answered, finally finding the keys.

"What!? Why, what'll you do if you get caught, and why would you-"

"Izuku, we won't. What matters the most right now is getting you out, so stop worrying and just follow along," I pressed in, hoping he would understand and let me free him.

"A-Alright, so what do you plan on doing?" he asked.

"First, let me get rid of these shakles," I walked over and started unlocking them one by one. I could see the bruises on his wrists and ankles due to the shakles and as much as it hurt me to look at them I had to hurry up and do this quickly. All while making sure no one else walks here. 

"Okay, now gimme a sec," I whispered taking out a match, and striking it against a rock; lighting the stick on fire.

I held the stick towards the window at the bottom for a few seconds, waiting for the entire stick to burn out so there wasn't any remaining evidence. 

"Is that supposed to be a signal?" Izuku asked, finally standing up.

"Yeah, and looking outside, there doesn't seem to be any forest or anything of the sort so we're probably not in the Eastern Ward, so that narrows it down to Shinso or Jiro." I sighed, standing up to look at Izuku as well.

"Now we wait for a while, I'm going to lock the cell from the inside so if anyone comes we'll be almost safe," I went and locked the cell.

"Wait! but if they don't show we'll be locked in here!" Was what I thought he would say, but he just nodded. He still trusted us, trusted us with his life. 

Clank. Clank. Clank.

I heard soft banging sounds come from the window. I quickly looked over to see who it was. It was important to know which ward we were in, it was the only we would know the escape out.

"Y-Your highness," Izuku quickly greeted. 

It almost made me laugh how he so strictly greeted the one that was helping him escape.

"Shin, how'd you take care of the guards," I asked walking towards the window.

"Oh, I send half of them away with some promising booze, and the ones that stayed, I took care of them," he answered, finally breaking the last bar.

"Alright, now crawl through," Shin told us, before moving out of the way.

"You go first," I motioned towards Izuku.

He laid back down and wiggled through the small opening, after he was completely out I went through as well. Shinso loosly put the bars back on to from far away it looked secure.


| Izuku POV |

I heard the sound of a horse and quickly looked towards the direction, but it was just Jiro.

"Hey, well you guys are out, now let's head over," she paused, "Izuku, climb on."

I didn't waste any time in asking questions. I was surprised, but the questions could wait, our lives couldn't.  I saw Kaminari climb onto Shinso's horse, and I on Jiro's.

"Alright the Western Ward is clear, so that just means we have to get through the Southern, and Eastern one," Jiro explained to me, as she started riding the horse. 

I realized we were riding through the outside's of the palace. The small forest that surrounded the place. I was suddenly reminded of the time I gave Bakugou the flower crown hiding behind one of these tree's. I felt a lump grow in my throat, but I pushed it down. Everyone was brave for me I couldn't cry now. 

"Alright, hurry up news of your disapearence probably spread already," Shinso commented, speeding up his pace, Jiro doing the same.


"WHAT!?" The king roared.

"He isn't in his cell! You had one job! Why would you even let Bakugou's personal guard, secure him! Use your brains nitwits!" he yelled in anger.

A guard had come to check on Kaminari and Izuku but after realizing that they weren't there and well, the rest is history. The news of their disapearence spread like wildfire. 

"Send more troops to defend west of the inner kingdom, and some outside the Southern wing. And someone, check if Bakugou's in his room!" The king ordered, and the guards complied. 

A few dozens going in each direction, soon after the messenger came back with no news of Bakugou being in his room. 

"Damn it! Find them! I don't care what you have to do, Do not let them escape!" The king fumed, slamming his hands down at his table. 

"Wait, you highness...I have a plan," voiced someone from the corner.


It doesn't matter if your the king! If power was the only thing that justified righteousness I'd rather die then try living in such a corrupt world! I'm leaving and don't ever come after me! They were the words she spat in hatered at the king when she left. Even though they were said out of spite, those words held more meaning than one might have thought of.


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