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| Izuku POV |

Finally, I finished cleaning the dishes. I still had to hang up new curtains in the ballroom for the engagement, so I decided I'd get that done first.

"Izuku, how about you do that later, come help me clean," I heard Toga call me from behind. 

"S-sure," I answered, completely unsure.

"Well, you arrange the room, while I mop, I'm going to open the door so it dries quickly," she said walking towards the door. 

I didn't really know why she needed my help, the room looked easy enough to clean on her own, but I didn't mind helping so I went along. 

She started mopping, and I arranging. I couldn't help but feel her unfaltering stare boring holes into my back. Was there something she needed to tell me? 

The sound of water sweeping across the ground, the occasional ruffling of the curtains, the soft chirps of birds, they were all so loud in this awkward silence. Yet, through it all, I felt her gold orbs not leaving my back. I was about to say something, but she beat me to it.

"So, Izuku why haven't you seen the Prince all week," she asked. 

I didn't know why she felt the need to ask a servant why he hadn't seen the prince, but I didn't have a choice but to answer. I knew better than to tell her too much so I blatantly answered.

"I don't know, he's the prince," I answered, I wasn't completely sure either why he needed space.

"Weren't the two of you inseparable, I mean for sure someone would've thought you were dating if they saw," she asked.

My eyes widened at the statement. Did she know something? I couldn't figure out what she was trying to get out of me, but I had to keep my answers as bland as possible.

"Me, and the prince, ha, as if. And I made sure to never see him again after then." I spoke back, trying my best to laugh at the statement. My eyes couldn't help but twitch a bit at what I had said.

"Right, you're just a peasant, of course," she said, but then looked up at me and continued, "Is what I'd like to say, but I know you saw him after that, you think you can lie to me Izuku!" she said, raising her voice a bit.

"Wh-when, I didn't" I answered trying to keep my cool. 

"Oh my god, Izuku just fess up! Why do you think the engagement was moved!" she yelled.

The engagement was moved! Why didn't Kachan tell me about it? Did he find out that day? My mind was flooding with thoughts. I was still in disbelief, a bit too much to keep my cool at that moment.

"What!" I yelled. Bad move. I saw Toga's eyes darken at the way I raised my voice. Toga suddenly started walking towards me, I walked back instinctively.

"Oh, so did your Prince not tell you about the engagement was being moved, did he not tell you that as of now you only have three weeks, did he even mention that the king now knows about your little scandal, if I were you I would leave him," she lashed out at me. 

Her words kept ringing in my head. I knew I was in danger now that the king knew, but what scared me the most was what he must've done to Kachan. However, that didn't stop me from feeling hurt. How could he not tell me something so important? And does he even have a plan? What if we have to... 

"N-no way, h-he wouldn't lie to me, not after everything, "My voice trailed off by the end of it.  I tried to profusely deny what had been said. I felt a lump grow in my throat, but I didn't want to cry, not now. Suddenly I felt Toga harshly grab my collar.

"Izuku! What'd you mean he wouldn't, he's the prince he doesn't need a reason. You're a servant, you couldn't even reach his feet! Forget it, what did you expect!" she hissed back.

I was still roaming in my own thoughts. I kept trying to say to myself that he probably did it for a good reason, I tried to find excuses for him, but I knew my heart ached. 

"He was probably going to tell me, it's fine," I mumbled to myself, I'm sure Toga didn't hear me, but she still said something.

"Why are you still hoping for something! You're all alone, you've only got me!" she said, grabbing onto my collar a bit tighter.

"No, Toga let go of me," I asked, sternly this time, trying my best to get rid of the lump in my throat. I didn't know what to do right now. But I knew I had to talk to Bakugou. I kept telling myself the only words that preached the slightest bit of hope, There's still time. And as if she read my mind she uttered two words.

"Too late," she answered, and before I could even respond, I felt her cold lips come in contact with mine. I didn't know what to do, why was she kissing me. I grabbed onto her shoulders trying to push her away, but suddenly I heard my name. I quickly looked to the direction, and Toga pulled away. There was a sly smirk on her face. I looked back in the direction, and my eyes instantly widened. 


I was about to say something but before I could even get a word out I saw him walk over. 

"K-Kachan," I whimpered as I saw the sheer anger in his eyes.

"Shut up!" was the only thing he said before grabbing my wrist pulling me out of there. 


Toga snickered as she saw the couple leave after their little spat. She earned a quick glare for Kaminari, but she only looked away. She knew Bakugou would come for his date walk, and she knew he'd see Izuku. She just had to be there right then and there, and she was. Now she knew what their relationship was, just like she had wanted, but she had also broken it. She couldn't help but let a devilish smirk form on her face. She went over and grabbed the mop, and continued mopping, humming a tune that she had once heard. 


Never cleave yourself of something you know you can never leave. Is what she would've said if she were there, but unfortunately, she wasn't...


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