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The week passed by rather quickly as Bakugou and Izuku were both desperately impatient for their meet. Both of them knew that after being found out they couldn't meet openly, so they had to distance themselves a bit more. They say when you want time to pass by it passes by excruciatingly slow, but for these boys they didn't dread the time it took, they smiled upon the time that was coming. And soon enough Thursday came. 


| Izuku POV |

I went back, changed into something a bit better than what I was wearing, and walked towards the stairs at the back of the castle. I made sure to look around a bit to make sure nobody was watching and swiftly climbed up.

When I was up, I didn't see Kachan so I assumed he was running late. 

"Guess who?!" I heard a voice, and rough hands cover my eyes.

"An ogre," I answered, rolling my eyes behind his hands.

"Wh- N-No you guessed wrong, try again," I could hear him trying to cover the anger in his voice.

I giggled before answering him, correctly this time, "Kachaan, sit down now."

"So you did know," I heard him mumble something, then ruffle through my hair.

I was still fixing my hair after Kachaan attacked them with his hands when I suddenly felt weight on my lap. I looked down to see Kachan's head resting on my lap.

"K-Kachan, do you really have to," I asked, a small tint of pink appearing on my face.

"Oh, come on, we've barely even looked at each other for soo long," he whined.

"And what about the perv...weird glances I get from you every time you pass through the hall," I revoked.

"Izu," he said and turned his head to look up at me, "I heard that change of wording," he finished with an unreadable expression.

"Well, umm, you seemed busy this week, what've you been doing," I waited for a while but he didn't respond.

"Kach-" I quickly stopped myself when I saw a sleeping Bakugou. I brought a hand to his head and patted it. I'm sure Bakugou had seen me sleep one, two, many times but this was a first to me. 

Must've had a tiresome week...I thought to myself, my gaze focussed on the sleeping boy.

I loved moments like this. We weren't really doing anything special right now, but just spending time like this with Kachan was perfect. I felt my gaze roam across his intricate features. I knew he was handsome, but this was too much. It should be illegal to look so stunning. I couldn't help the staring, I mean it would be weirder if you didn't. Gradually my gaze landed on his lips. My cheeks quickly flushed into a bright red as thoughts clouded my mind. 

"Ugh, maybe I need to sleep as well," I mumbled to myself, trying to fan the unwavering blush off my face. 


Around thirty minutes later Bakugou woke up, startling Izuku bit.

"K-Kachan you should've slept for a bit longer," Izuku stuttered, his hands moving in random circles.

"It's fine, anyway I needed to tell you something today," Bakugou answered, getting up from Izuku's lap.

The smaller boy just hummed in response, his head tilted in questioning.

"It's about the...engagement escape plan," Bakugou said, pausing a bit.

"O-oh, well tell me about it," Izuku said, trying to sound optimistic.

"Before you ask, I should say this...Jiro doesn't want to marry me either, and she, umm, knows," He said, clearly uncertain how Izuku was going to react.

"I guessed that much, honestly with all her complaining about the marriage who wouldn't know, and about her knowing...I don't know how to react to that, but she hasn't done anything bad so I'll live with it," Izuku replied, trying to sound calm. 

Bakugou was a bit taken back by how calmly Izuku took the news, but he was thankful.

"So about the plan, we figured out that none of our fathers know that the other is forcing the marriage, so clearly they don't want anyone knowing that this is forced. And we can use that to our advantage. If they don't want the public knowing that this isn't mutual we just have to announce that neither of us wants to wed each other, and if we do get married after that it would be clear that it was forced." Bakugou explained.

"But, how will you get people to know, you're not even allowed outside the palace," Izuku asked.

"Precisely why this is called the Engagement escape plan!" Bakugou gushed, and Izuku's eyes widened.

"No way, you don't-" Izuku paused hoping what he was thinking wasn't what Bakugou thought.

"Yes way, the only platform big enough to make sure everybody hears about it is during my engagement party. Almost everybody will be there and after the engagement, and rumors spread faster than fueled fire," Bakugou said winking at his last statement.

It didn't take long for Izuku to piece everything together.

"You want to announce that you aren't marrying the princess on the day of your engagement in front of thousands of people who come from literally everywhere just for your marriage!" Izuku pieced together, shock, and some other feeling lingering in his gaze.

"You got it," Bakugou answered, just as confidently as before. 

Izuku looked at Bakugou in disbelief for a few more seconds before dropping his head.

"You're seriously insane," Izuku sighed.

"But that's the only way I don-" Bakugou tried convincing, but Izuku had more to say.

"Let's do it. It might be our only way so let's give it our all!" Izuku encouraged. 

That's when Bakugou realized it. That other emotion Izuku had in his eyes. Excitement. It was the only word Bakugou could think fit the sharp gaze. It was perfect excitement that glazed over his eyes. There wasn't anything Bakugou needed to know or hear to believe that Izuku was all in.

"Yeah...we can do this," Bakugou spoke a bit faltered by the courage racing in the younger's emerald orbs. 

"Oh and...you don't have to be so nervous, I promise you, I'll follow you wherever you decide to go," Izuku spoke, right then not realizing the importance of his words, and how they would definitely come back to bite him. 

Bakugou eyes quite visibly widened. Before this, of course, Bakugou was scared. He was just as uncertain as any normal person, maybe even more, but after that moment he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. And it was in a good way. 

It seemed that Izuku's strange excitement was caught rather quickly.


Madness is the lack of humanity, and insanity is the overbearing of sheer will. Thus, insanity is the only way to overthrow madness. She had once said, it was something that stuck with Bakugou for some reason...for some reason.

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