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"Izuku...say, something please!" I begged with my very existence, but I didn't get an answer from his lifeless body. I tried shaking him, I yelled words as loud as I could, but nothing was heard. I leaned in, but I knew I could feel his warmth slowly disappear.

The hand that I had clutched onto with my life now gently fell on the stagnant boy. I could feel that he was cold, so very cold. With closed eyes, his body now loosely hung on me. His features were so clear under the morning sun. His lips were now pale, the lively warmth on his face changed to cold grace.

"I-Izuku..." I called his name one last time. For nothing, or for something I savored every letter when I said it. The amount of pain in my heart was immeasurable. He might've died, but I felt dead on the inside. I wanted to scream, to shout. I wanted to show my pain to everyone, but I kept it inside. There was no point in giving them that satisfaction. I was hurt, in pain, excruciating darkness, maybe even to the point I didn't know what I was doing.

With ever so much care I picked up his limp body, walking towards a small field of grass away from the dry sand. Each step hurting more than the last. Every movement ached in lonesome. I placed him down in the grass; he looked exceptionally charming even then. His green locks matching the flowing grass. I kneeled and covered him with my heavy cape. I brought my trembling lips down to his cold, lifeless ones, bidding him my last farewell.

Standing back up had never been so hard, but I had to. Looking back and facing them was the hardest, but I had to. I didn't even know what to say. Was there never any hope? I didn't even have the energy to get mad. I didn't know what to look like. Should I show that I'm mad...maybe looking hurt would earn some sympathy, no maybe I should celebrate that they got what they wanted. I was utterly lost. It was almost laughable that I had such thoughts.

So I stopped thinking.

"So...you finally got rid of him..." I gave up on making any expression. My expression melted into the epitome of what I was feeling inside. And looking at the expression on them it definitely wasn't a happy one.

"haha," I softly chuckled to myself. The last memories I had with him played on repeat in my head.

"Even in the end, he didn't curse you for his problems..."

"Why...Was It because he was a servant...Or do you actually believe that because he made the mistake to love me he should be killed for that alone," I spoke, my voice gradually getting higher with each word. I knew I was rambling at this point, but my body was too small to cage everything in.

"He was right...it isn't fair," I mumbled to myself. My thought's kept urging me to stop, but I couldn't.

"Who was it..." My words pierced through the air.

"I warned you! Toga was taking too long with her chatter, look where that got her, so I went ahead and did it," The king voiced from behind.

I heard a voice pressing me to stop. However, I didn't have the time to think of consequences. Regrets? Too late for them. With every step towards the king, I nurtured my hatred for him.

"Katsuki! Stop right there! What do you think you're doing!" The King yelled, but I kept walking towards him. I was furious, livid even. No amount of defiance or holding-back could stop me now.

"Only what I have to!" I marched forward, kicking over one of the guards and taking their sword.

"Katsuki, I am your fathe-"

"Don't you dare call yourself that! You were never one, and you never will be. And if you're still shameless enough to call me that after all of this...then your even worse than I'd ever want to imagine," I yelled back, revolted.

I unsheathed the sword, charging towards him. Of course, he blocked the stab.

"Katsuki, I am the king what do you think your doi-"

"Hey, do you remember the swordsmanship classes you forced me to take were useless, but they did teach me one thing," I pushed my stab forward, adding more strength, causing him to strengthen his block, "that a block is much more firm than a strike, and just as heavy. So a strike will always be faster. And right now you have one very clear blind spot..." I threatened. I knew what my next move was. It was vaguely distinct in my head, and instead of fear, or looming regret my mind cleared instead. As if it was waiting for this very moment since forever, so when I took the step forward a strange feeling welled up in me.

"Wh-What do you mean, you wouldn't dare kill-" he could barely say anything before I slipped my sword up, slicing his head off clean; splatters of his blood tainting me.

"No...how could you kill us..."

I pulled the sword back down, disgustingly swatting off the blood. The rush of adrenaline wild in my blood as I looked down at the decapitated head. I thought I would feel at least an ounce of regret if I had to ever kill him one day...but strangely I felt extremely satisfied instead. Like the chains had finally been loosened. I dropped the sword, yet the blood was still on my hands.

I looked up. Everybody looked at me like a circus animal. However, at this point, I was used to it.

"Release them," I ordered.

"B-But, you..." one of the guards tried denying. Well, I wouldn't call it denying. It was more of confusion. The king was dead, and I killed him. Obviously, everyone was in confusion.

"The king was dethroned, by me. So logically I should rule since I killed him. And if that isn't convincing enough, I am the prince, so I am next in line to the throne, so currently my orders are absolute." I managed to convince them.

"Y-Yes...Everybody, free the prisoners, as per the Prin...King orders!" the guard ordered, and the others followed.


"Go back inside, and get cleaned up. Take Shinso and Jiro with you," I ignored Kaminari. I knew he had nothing to do with it, but I wasn't in the mood of talking.

I heard Kaminari sigh, but then walk over to Izuku.

"What are you doing Dunce face!" I yelled.

"I was his friend as well, I just want to look at him," Kaminari yelled back, and I guess there was some truth to that.


"Your highness, what are your next orders," one of the guards asked.

I sighed, "Clean up the bodies, but don't touch Izu-"

"Bakugou!" Kaminari interrupted.

"What the hell! Can't you see I'm-"

"No, It's Izuku...

he still has a pulse..."

My eyes widened; I was left absolutely breathless.


In absolute darkness, even the tiniest lights, can hold the greatest hope. She had once said.

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