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A/N Okay but like the way everyone's just stalking the boys as they sleep together, credits to the illustrator! Anyway back to the book!


"Desperate times breed desperate measures, right, Shakespeare said it not me" I mumbled to myself before picking Izuku up bridal style and continued walking to my room. 

I walked over to my door, thank god Kaminari wasn't standing guard today, it'd be a pain trying to explain this to him. I didn't exactly know where he was but he was strong enough to hold his own out there, he'd be fine. I walked in, Izuku still fast asleep in my arms. He was so light, I would rather carry him around all day than wear any of the fancy royal garments. However, now the real problem arose.

Where. Would. Izuku. Sleep.

I only had one bed, sure it was king-sized, but that didn't make it two. I knew Izuku would be uncomfortable if he woke up in a bed, in an unknown place, now imagine me being right beside him as well. Ya, I'd get ditched before I could even explain. I gently placed him down on the bed putting a blanket, then a comforter on him to make sure he was warm. It sure worked because Izuku hummed a sigh of comfort as he melted into the warm sheets. I decided that I'd sleep on the couch. It wasn't as comfy as the bed but I'll suffice for now. 

I changed out of my heavy garments and wore a pair of pajamas, I didn't wear a shirt because I don't usually. It was a habit by now. I pulled out another blanket from the cupboard and used it for myself. It took me a while to fall asleep on the couch, but considering everything that had happened that day, I fell asleep rather quickly.


I woke up as soon as the first ray of the sunshine hit my face. I wasn't an early bird, but I never had enough time to wake up late so I usually never did. I looked towards the bed, where a small mop of green hair was protruding through the blankets. 


I walked towards the boy and sat beside the bed. He moved around a bit in his sleep and surprisingly, hugged my waist. I was a bit awestruck by his sudden boldness but who's to say I didn't like it. 

Note to self: Has a habit of hugging others when sleeping. 

I gazed back down at the boy, soft snores leaving his cherry pink lips. They were small, and plump. His face was milky, and his freckles were scattered across beautifully. His eyelashes would occasionally flutter as he shifted in his sleep, what an angel. Suddenly, I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks. What was I thinking, oh my god. I quickly stood up, Izuku whining a bit as he felt the emptiness in his arms once again. I went to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, and just get ready. 

I came out of the bathroom, a towel around my waist. I had forgotten to bring clothes inside. Izuku's probably still asleep so whatever. 


Just when I came out I saw the small boy, sitting up in bed. His cute doe eyes scanning the room vigilantly. Until his gaze fell on me. I don't think he realized his mouth was slightly agape until I smirked a bit.


| Izuku POV |

I shifted a bit in bed as I rubbed my eyes. In bed. Wait, how'd I get in a bed, wasn't I outside. I frantically started scanning the room, and instantly knew whose it was. I had been here for breakfast before. There was a second of relief that I was in Bakugou's room, but then I started wondering why was I even there. And as if he read my mind, he was standing there, with nothing but a towel around his waist, water still dripping from his hair, landing on his toned body. I mean I knew he was fine as heck even through those clothes, but this was too much. I didn't realize my mouth was hanging loose until he smirked at me.

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