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| Bakugou POV |

I got dressed and headed for breakfast. Today was a Sunday, and I wasn't supposed to have breakfast with him on weekends. Neither with him nor with the Northerners. He probably had something important to announce, but was it really that urgent? I wouldn't have gone if not for the severity in my father's voice. He never liked messing with his schedule, so it was peculiar for him to host an extra breakfast like this. I figured he definitely wouldn't be in a good mood and personally kept it to myself to be on my best behavior. 

I entered the room, and the Northerners were already there, but I swear my father's face had turned red, red with fury the second I walked in. I didn't remember doing anything wrong and getting cought, though.

"I'm sorry for the sudden announcement but I believe I should say this in front of everyone," my father announced before taking a bite of the meat.

"It's alright, but what might be so important," the northern king asked, finally asking something important.

I looked towards Jiro, who just shook her head indicating that she didn't know either.

What in the world could he want? 

"I'll say it, but I'd rather we eat first," he stated and went on to eat. 

The rest of the breakfast was quiet and the atmosphere, well, it spoke for itself. The awkwardness that heavily spread across the room was burdening. And for some reason, I couldn't help but think my father had kept on staring at me during breakfast. I could see the murderous intent lingering in his eyes, but  I didn't get why. 

Finally, everyone finished eating, everyone making sure they weren't the last one. 

"I suppose I should now explain why we're all gathered here," my father brought up. I thought the awkwardness would finally be over, we'd finally leave, but little did I know my father had something heinous planned.

"I'd like to change the date of the engagement," I almost smiled, and a frown was evident on the Northerner's face.

"I know it's currently seven weeks away counting from Monday, but I'd like to move it by three weeks," the king announced. I couldn't help but smirk, I had to put my head down so he wouldn't see me.

"Three weeks, before, essentially in four weeks, I hope this change doesn't bother you," the king finished.

I felt my smile fade away. Why? I tried reasoning through this in my head but to no avail. Why did he move it?  I felt all the color draining from my face. Four weeks, we can't do anything at that time, and I'll officially be betrothed to Jiro. 

"Why!", I yelled slamming my hands on the table. All the table's attention was on me. I felt Jiro kick me in the shin from under the table, motioning for me to stop, but I'd had it. 

My father didn't even spare me a glance, he continued to eat as if anything I said meant nothing.

"Sit down, I was going to tell you to meet me after breakfast," the king sternly replied, weight heavy in his deep voice. 

"No! Answer me! Why do you always ignore me! You didn't even ask me about the enga-"

"Katsuki! Sit down right this instant!" His voice was thick with anger, the anger he had been suppressing throughout the meal.

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