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"Listen Here! You dumb prince we-"

"Watch it, I ain't some dumb prince!"

"Whatever, listen up we-"

"Not whatever, you owe me an apology!"

"You're a piece of shit, damned dumb prince,"

"Wha- oh, so now were cursing,"

"Nah, I just thought it fit your personality, absolutely shitty!"

"Y'know what, this is why we never get anything done!"

"Exactly! You're the problem, maybe if you grew a few more brain cells, I wouldn't feel like I was talking to a stubborn donkey!"

"At least I'm not some bloody princess who hangs her mouth lose, and her head stuffed!"

"I dare you, say that again!"

"Oh I wi-"

"Ugh! Shut the hell up, Both of you! God I don't get paid enough to deal with your nonsense!" yelled Kaminari and both Bakugou and the Princess, Jiro, looked towards him.


Recently, after Bakugou's fury of rebellion towards his father, the King decided that he'd do exactly what Bakugou asked for, give him more time with the princess. He forced the princess and Bakugou to go on "dates" every Saturday, which bakugou negotiated to Friday's because Izuku was usually free on Saturday's and his Friday's were usually filled with a lot of work. Then again, he only tried negotiating after a million attempts in trying to call off his father's decision altogether. 

Kaminari was given the tedious job of guarding them since he was already Bakugou's personal guard, and he prayed every day to get fired from that post. It was the second time they were doing this, and if controlling Bakugou from going to see Izuku in every spare second wasn't hard enough, Kaminari was given the job to watch these two argue on and on about nonsensical subjects. He almost strangled Bakugou the last time if the "date" didn't end any sooner. 


"You guys are a horrible match, what was his sire thinking when he decided the two of you should get married!" Kaminari groaned once more.

"Exactly my point, I would rather eat dirt than wed this-this, ugh I don't even have words to describe her disgusting self!" yelled Bakugou, a finger pointing towards Jiro.

"I agree, he's too overrated, people always call him cold-hearted, but I think they've confused cold-hearted for an idiot," Jiro rebuked, anger laced in her voice. 

"What did yo-"

"Stop! I don't have the energy to hear you argue again. Can't both of you just call off the marriage, I'm positive the country will go into shambles if you rule together, and if I don't die by then I'll be sure to kill myself," Kaminari sighed, shaking his head side to side. Both of his hands by his hips.

"I know, we were trying to think of a way to have them call it off, but now that father, now that he decided that we'd get engaged we don't have much time left," Bakugou answered back, finally a bit more calmed down after his heated discussion. Jiro was a bit surprised that Bakugou told Kaminari, but if Bakugou felt that it was okay she let it slide. 

"Then what're you doing arguing like stray cats," Kaminari asked, still trying to recover from the headache of the previous incidents.

"Maybe because we don't really think alike. Every time I come up with a plan, he either says it wouldn't work or it doesn't comply with his country rules and thus wouldn't work and vice versa." Jiro calmly answered.

"So I'm guessing both of you knew that the other didn't want to get married to you,  and have been devising of a plan for a while now," Kaminari confirmed, a bit startled at their sudden confession.

"Yes, but so far we've come up with nothing, and it's already been a week," Bakugou admitted.

"Does Izuku know, he'd be happy that Jiro doesn't want to marry you either," Kaminari asked, knowing all too well about their secret relationship by now.

Before Bakugou could answer Jiro interrupted, "Why would Izuku have anything to do with this? He's just a palace servant, and when did you even meet?"

"First, of all, he isn't 'just a palace servant' he's a wonderful human being, secondly, I've known him for quite a while now, and lastly, you'd be surprised on how much Izuku has to do with this, little miss idiot."

"Okay, but the name-calling wasn't necessary you know,"

"But if I won't address you by your name what else do you want me to call you," mocked Bakugou.

"You little-"

"Ugh, here we go again," Kaminari groaned in absolute annoyance and continued following them.


"Finally, it's over!" Bakugou groaned after their forced one hour walk came to an end.

"You have literally no right to complain, think about poor me. I need to ask for a day off after each one of these 'dates', I'm dying," groaned Kaminari, exhaustion dripping from his voice.

"Oh, and about my question before, does Izuku know yet?" reminded Kaminari.

"Ya, no, he doesn't know yet, I was planning on telling him but this entire week he's been busy since my father wants every servant preparing for the party, I didn't even get to meet him that much, I think I'm going to die of lack of Izuku" complained Bakugou.

"Please do," mumbled Kaminari.

"What'd you say?"

"Nothing, just that please don't die of such a harmful disease," Kaminari jokingly denied.

Bakugou just rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what Kaminari must've said. 

They finally reached the doors leading to Bakugou's room.

"Well, bye," Bakugou said and was about to head in when Kaminari stopped him.

"Oh, and Izuku wanted you to go see him today, said that his work would end quickly today," Kaminari remembered.

"What the hell! Didn't this occur to you fifteen minutes ago, you know how far the servant quarters are from here, and we just came from that direction!" Bakugou lashed out.

"That's what you get for putting me through days of your miserable 'dates'," justified Kaminari before standing guard. Bakugou groaned before quickly making his way to Izuku's room.


| Bakugou POV |

I walked over to Izuku's window and tapped on it a few times. 

"Kachan! Took you long enough," cheered Izuku after opening the window.

"Look who's in a good mood," I chuckled and climbed into his room.

"I've got good news, like really, really really good news!" he further cheered. 

My heart sort of fluttered at his unknown joy. I don't think I've seen Izuku this happy ever since they announced my engagement, and I subconsciously found myself smiling as well.

Love makes you do things that you've never imagined, never done, and never could've done without the one person that made you change. My mother  had once said.


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