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"Remember what you have to right?" a murky voice hissed.

"Yes, and do we tell her about it?" a female voice asked.

"No, it wouldn't do us any good and don't start until the ball, we can't get caught," he confirmed. 

"Yes, sire," the female voice spoke.

"Haha, this might be just to confirm, but if we're right...well let's just say it'll sure be a night to remember..." the evil voice sounded even more preposterous right then. It could've cooled down any fire, and shaken even the dead. Absolute wickedness, in an absolute embodiment.

"I'll leave now then," the voice excused. 

The other male just nodded and let the woman go.


| Bakugou POV |

It was only five in the afternoon, the ball started at seven which meant he had to wait until six to start getting ready, in time for when Izuku would drop by his room to drop the cape. And obviously I wasn't planning on letting the smol boy leave.

"Earth to Bakugou will you please pay attention, this plan is doomed to fail if you keep at it like this," Jiro sighed.

"Shut up, what did you say," I revoked, mad at her for snapping me out of my thoughts about another plan.

"Like I was saying after we make our statements of how we won't go through with it, everyone will be in a state of confusion through which we'll sneak through, the masks will hide our faces and Izuku'll have the hood so they won't see your hai-"

"Oi, what's that mark on your cheek?" I asked staring at the red bruise of the side of her cheek. Surely it had to be something because the second I asked she quickly put a hand above it to hide it.

"N-nothing, now will you let me explain," she diverted the question.

I knew it had to be something. There was no way she'd stumble on her words, or even act this flustered.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing," I spoke up this time grabbing her arm away from her cheek.

"I-It's nothing, let go of me," she yanked her hand back, purposely leaning it on the bruised cheek.

"Whatever, doesn't concern me, remember if you're hiding something from me I won-"

"I wouldn't betray you after all this, so will you stop thinking about Izuku and listen for once," she groaned.

"Alright, Alright, shoot you have five minutes," I told her to fasten the pace.

"Well, well doesn't someone seem in a rush. What? Off to see some servant boy," a voice teased.

"Kaminari call him that one more time and I swear I'm outing you and your sleep-deprived boyfriend" I threatened, too bad Jiro was there.

"Sleep-deprived...wait...no way...I knew he had been sneaking out but....oh my god are you lovers," she almost sounded sad for Shin.

"Great job, Bakugou!" Kaminari sighed, still blushing after hearing the phrase, "lovers".

"Ugh, why am I surrounded by people who have awful tastes, one's absolutely lovesick, and the other likes idiots," she said referring to Izuku and Shinso.

"Well at least I wasn't called the idiot," I huffed, proud at Izuku being "lovesick".

"Excuse you, but I am no idiot, do you know I placed first in the turtle race across town, that's no easy win woman!" he fought back.

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