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"Izuku!" Bakugou yelled, dropping the blanket he was folding and running over to the fallen boy. Both Kaminari and Jiro quickly diverted their attention to Izuku as well.

"Izuku are you-"

"Kachan, I'm fine stop over-exaggerating," Izuku soothed his lover. 

"You just fell and you call this overreacting, can you stand?" Bakugou quickly changed his tone from a worrisome one to a protective one. 

"No, I think after laying down for so long my legs might take a while to be accustomed to walking again." Izuku tried making sense out of the situation, and his reason was pretty convincing.

"Right, the doctor did say on one of his visits that Izuku might have trouble walking for a few weeks," Kaminari suddenly piped up, only to receive a not so happy growl from Bakugou.

"Well, I guess there isn't another option," Bakugou sighed before walking over to Izuku, carrying him effortlessly.

"Kachan, you don't have to."

"Jiro I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything, handle my work for today, you wouldn't be so heartless as to leave Izuku all alone," Bakugou that easily threw all of his responsibilities on Jiro.

"Yeah right, you just don't want to work," Jiro scoffed, but Bakugou ignored her as he headed out towards the kitchen.


"Kachan put me down already!" Izuku made one last attempt to free himself from the princess carry he was in.

"Fine, there you go," Bakugou let Izuku down on a chair at the table behind the kitchen counter.

With that Bakugou walked over to a basket willed with a few veggies, and got 2 eggs from a crate. He began chopping the vegetables, in an almost demonic manner, but they ended up in perfect dices. He pulled the pan out, spreading oil around it before sprinkling it with a few ingredients. The sound of sizzling and occasionally Izuku's shuffling filled the void room. Bakugou kept cooking, as Izuku was left to silently stare at his bolded silhouette. 

"There, you were probably really hungry so I cooked up something quickly, but I think you'll like it," Bakugou served a plate with an omelet in front of Izuku as he went over and hung off the apron he was wearing. 

"So how is it?" Bakugou asked taking a seat in front of izuku, his head leaning against his hand as he awaited Izuku's reaction. Izuku cut a piece out and ate it. His face instantly blooming into an abundance of glee.

"It's really really really good! You can cook for me every day!" Izuku complimented, elated, quickly digging back in for more. 

"Anything for you princess," and with that izuku choked on his bite, his fist hitting his chest as he struggled to breathe. Bakugou quickly ran over to get him a glass of water, not forgetting to violently snicker at Izuku's misery. 

"He-Here drink some," Bakugou struggled to speak through his laughter. He handed Izuku the glass of water, Izuku desperately grabbing onto it.

"Kachan, this isn't funny," Izuku sounded a bit more serious than he needed to be, but Bakugou still found amusement in Izuku's predicament.

"Sure," Bakugou chortled.

"Shut up you dumb pom!" Izuku snapped back, accidentally spilling the glass of water.

"What did you-" Bakugou sounded more offended at the name more than his now soaking wet shirt. Bakugou strode towards the seated boy, his hands coming up like claws as he threateningly walked towards Izuku.

"K-kachan...I'm sorry don-"

"Oh, too late." 

It was at that moment Izuku knew...he fucked up.


Bakugou gently sat Izuku on his bed as he changed his shirt and sat beside him.

"Kachan, please never do that again," Izuku breathed, still trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, c'mon you were laughing," Bakugou tried justifying his case.

"I. Was. Wheezing." Izuku paused between every word. If looking at the poor boy's state during that tickle attack wasn't enough to know that he was suffering then may be broken down words would help.

"It wasn't that bad," Bakugou kept trying, but Izuku wasn't having it.

"Kachan you tickled the living daylights out of me," Izuku saw Bakugou open his mouth to say something, but of course he didn't stop, "And I choked before that, may I remind you why again. Well, it was because of you. I can't tell if you love me or want me dead!"

Bakugou couldn't help himself to a few laughs. He looked back up at Izuku, pushing him against the bed, his arms caging him beneath his stronghold. 

"Well, would you like me to show you," Bakugou brought something else into the grit of his voice as he said that, however, unlike the predicted flushed Izuku Bakugou expected, there was something different about him. Whatever Izuku said next was probably never going to be said again, but in that second it was on repeat in Bakugou's head. 

"Holy mother of sweet baby Jesus, how are you so hot!" Izuku spoke, almost jealous of Bakugou's manly charm.

Bakugou was completely defenseless against Izuku's compliment of sorts. It started off with a soft chuckle, but it soon erupted into an attack of euphoria as Bakugou dropped his head onto Izuku's chest. He split his sides as he had a chaotic fit of laughter. His entire body shaking in laughter.

"I-Izuku- w-what even..." Bakugou tried to compile a sentence but sorely failed.

"I'm dead serious Kachan, if I didn't know any better I'd be courting you right now," Izuku sounded pretty serious. 

Bakugou spilled one last laugh as he rolled onto his side beside Izuku.

"Then I'd rather you not know any better, I want to see you try courting me," Bakugou finally settled down, his face still red after the previous fit.

"Well, I mean...if you want me to..." Izuku spoke suggestively. And like that, they spend hours talking about an expansion of topics. From nonsensical facts about frogs to small arguments against apples and oranges. Every second was spend in joy. Bakugou had almost forgotten what it felt like to spend hours chattering and laughing uncontrollably. It wasn't a new feeling, but everything was an exaggerated reaction. Just to stay there and spend eternity basking in the glee was all both of them ever wished for. 

For once they were free of any obstacles. They had to wait for a very long time, but eventually, they could smile without a qualm. They would still face problems, but now they had each other. They had the proof that there was going to be a tomorrow. Nothing was a gamble, and that was peace. Even during the weeks, Izuku couldn't walk. Even on the days, Bakugou woke up with sweat-dripping from nightmares. They had each other's warmth to relinquish the nightmares, and that made everything okay. 

Bakugou never complained about having to carry Izuku everywhere for the weeks, and although Izuku had his word against the action, both of them knew he liked it. Although Izuku would wake up every morning to Bakugou's heavy arms holding him back, Izuku would always snuggle in deeper. Little things that made them smile just because they were with each other. Dumb moments that they made laughter out of. It was all because they were absolutely smitten in love. 

As night soon fell, Izuku rolled closer towards Bakugou, tightly hugging him as he snuggled in. Bakugou placing a hand above Izuku moving into the embrace.

"I love you, Kachan," Izuku barely whispered as he drifted off.

"I will always love you more, Izu," Bakugou whispered back.


Love is a peculiar feeling, one that can't be described with words. Words that were simple, but when understood held a mountain of significance.

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