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"Silly Izuku, the greatest act of love one can express...is to shed blood for their beloved. The greatest sacrifice, only for the truest love." Toga giggled.


| Izuku POV |

"Kachan!" I screamed. 

"Well, maybe I could let you talk, here," Toga spoke taking the cloth out of Bakugou's mouth.

"Izuku! Are you okay? Toga you sadistic maniac let go of us, I'll kill you!" Bakugou screamed.

"What~ I let you speak, anyway do you love Izuku?" she asked. her voice scarily giddy.

"What kind of insane are you! Of course I do so let us g-"

"So are you willing to die for him..." she spoke with the most sinsiter smile plastered across her face.

I could see that even Bakugou was surprised by the question. His red orbs grew wide at the questions.

"No." he answered.

I would be lying if it didn't hurt me a bit, but more than that I was happy. I know it's weird, but I was happy that if one day I had to leave he would continue living and that was enough to make me happy.

"Hah! What'd you mean! You don't love him, then why!? He would be better off with me. Why di-" Toga started complaining, but Bakugou stopped her. Well more like Bakugou wasn't done speaking and Toga reacted too quick.

"No. No I wouldn't die for him. If I died for him he'd be more hurt than happy. You don't die for the ones you love, you give it your everything to live for them. If I died there's no way he'd be happy, and I won't be able to be with him. Dying is the worst way you can express your love for someone!" Bakugou finished.

It seemed that he stepped on a nerve because Toga looked nothing short of pissed.

"What do you know! Ugh!" she yelled stomping one of her feet.

"Give that to me!" she yelled at one of the guards. The guard followed and handed her a sheathed sword.


|Timeskip back to when they tied them up | Izuku POV |

They've got us surrounded, and we're tied up. I thought to myself, eyeing my surroundings. Suddenly I felt something poke my back. I was confused as to what it was, but that's when I remembered...the thing Jiro gave me. I tried reaching my hand in my back pocket, but to no avail. I squiggled around a bit, as if I was resisting, hoping it would fall out. I tried reaching for it again, finally getting hold of the cloth. 

Got it!

I thought to myself, tugging at it, hoping the rest of it would come out. When I finally got it out, I hid my hands underneath my cloak, slowly unwrapping the cloth. Without being able to see I didn't know which side was blunt and which wasn't, so I did end up cutting myself a bit, but at least I got the knife out. I grabbed onto the grip, slowly cutting the rope. 

I kept talking to toga, hoping to keep her occupied, long enough for me to be free. However, right then she pulled someone out. I tried my best to not to jump to conclusions, but when I realized it was Kachan, every ounce of calm I had left faded away. 

I couldn't help but yell out for him. I kept gnawing away at the rope, I could feel that there were only a few more strings attached. 

Please, just stall her a bit longer...

I prayed, hoping I could free myself. Thankfully, Kachan kept talking. Keep going, there one last strand left... I kept cutting at the rope. Yet, suddenly Toga pulled out a sword.


| Present |

"T-Toga what're you going to do with that," I asked frantically. 

"Hmm," she paused before looking back at me, "showing you just how much he loves you!"she plastered the most cynical expression on her face.

"I don't want to see it!" I yelled back, while he kept trying to cut the rope. There was a single fiber left, I was this close...just a bit longer.

"Then would you like to do it!" she snickered, glee in her voice.

"No! Don't touch him, leave him alone you phycho bitch!" Bakugou yelled, trying his best to aggravate her, trying his best to make sure she doesn't hurt me.

"Ugh, you're right, you really get on my nerves, let's get rid of you first!" Toga spoke, annoyed once again. 

She unsheathed her sword, stomping towards Bakugou. She roughly pressed the face of the sword on bakugou's shoulder, a low gruff leaving bakugou. The blade carresed his neck. Droplets of blood trickling down. 

"Toga! Stop it!" I yelled back. Finally freeing himself from the rope. 

"Why should I!" Toga yelled, but then let out a gasp.

"Are you blind! He escaped get to him!" Toga yelled, as she saw me stand, my hands finally free.

"Izu! Run!" Bakugou screamed.

"WHAT!?" I yelled back. I didn't intend to sound that mad, nor that aggressive, but being told by my lover who had a blade by his neck to run instead of saving him really didn't sit well with me. It made me feel incompetent, in a really ugly, deep, bad way.

"Are you stupid, Kachan!" I yelled back, bringing the knife in my hand up.

"Izuku..." Bakugou spoke a bit softer.

"If I run today...I'll have to run forever, I'd regret it forever, I'd rather die than leave!" I answered, grabbing onto the knife, bringing his hand back.

Look at the bullseye. I remembered the day Jiro thought me how to aim. I remembered my mind clear away everything but the small red circle. I remembered the feeling of the knife weighing my wrist down; ready to throw the knife. I knew the darkness I felt when I closed my eyes, the heavy breath I had taken in. I felt so numb back then. I felt calm, for a while that is. 

However, right then...I could hear the loud beating of my heart. The blood pulsating through my veins. Unlike then...I was restless. I didn't have long before someone stopped me, before there was a sword through my love, before we might all be dead. This sense of urgency might've been good, because it wasn't just sheer animalistic intincy. There was intent. A strong purpose

I opened my eyes. Everything but Toga blurred out of my vision. With one last shaky breath I threw it. 


Hope is a nice thing to have, but without desire...not much is attainable. She had said.

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