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|Izuku POV |

"What book are you reading?" Bakugou asked me. I was a flustering mess. 

"U-umm, just something," I replied, I was so over my head that I even forgot the name of the book. I internally sighed at my fumbled self.

"Well, you look like you have quite a few books, how many of them have you read," the prince asked once again, almost as if he was curious about me.

"Well, I actually read them all, but I never really get the time to go out and buy any now so I just re-read them," I bashfully answered, my fingers fiddling behind my back.

"Really," he admired, and I just nodded my head. I was never talked to so much before. The Northerners were usually stern and their strict policies against servants refrained them from as much as talking with each other unless needed. However, I never really wanted to talk to them anyway, but Bakugou felt different. He didn't seem approachable at first but after talking to him I seemed to enjoy his company. Of course, I could never say that to him.

"Yeah," I simply answered back, looking into his ruby eyes. 

"How about you read some of the books in the castle library, There are way too many and honestly, I never really read them so there all yours," he insisted.

"Oh, I could never," I hesitantly denied, but before I could say anymore Bakugou just stood back up and told me to follow him.

I couldn't really say no to him so I quietly followed behind, kind of excited to see an actual library. 

We arrived in front of a huge door, with gold swirls decorating the silvery base of the door. I stared in awe at the welcoming doorway. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, come on in," Bakugou mused, and stretched a hand out towards the door. I was a bit shy when he told me to go on in first but I clumsily made my way, nonetheless.

He followed behind me as I took in the impeccable view. Rows, and rows of books, and the shelves reached higher than I had ever seen.  My hands skimmed through the spines of the books. I was wowed at the number of books that laid in a single isle. I would never be able to read all of the books even in a hundred lifetimes, but that only inspired me to get started. I was about to pull out a book from the shelf when I was suddenly hit by the realization that I was in a castle, and with royalty. I looked back at Bakugou, who seemed to notice me asking for permission and he nodded his head, giving a small smile. I took that as my signal to pick out a book. I didn't waste a second before pulling a book out of the shelf treating it with ever so much care. I found a snug spot in a small corner of the library. I made myself comfortable in the corner and began reading. 


|Bakugou POV |

I looked a bit confused as to why Izuku went and sat in a corner on the floor when there were sofa's but he looked comfortable so I let it be. I picked out a book as well, deciding that it would be weird if I just stared at Izuku, and went to sit down beside Izuku. He flinched a bit as my shoulder brushed passed his shoulder and quickly turned to say something to me.

"K-Kachaan, you shouldn't sit on the floor-"

"It's fine, I want to, now continue reading," I interrupted Izuku, as he gave me one last glance before going back to his book. I started to realize that he had a habit of rambling on sometimes, I didn't hate it.

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