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•|•Not a chapter.

Winter:  harshness, calmness, silence, festive season, the season of lights and love, mourning, death, ending and detachment.

P.S. Don't read this chapter if you haven't read the book, it has major spoilers.

Okay, so I cry really easily so I cried quite a bit while writing this, but I really enjoyed writing this book, and I hope anyone that read through it enjoyed it as well! I really want to thank everyone who voted, commented, and read my book. Your comments were really encouraging and it made this books journey all the more splendid for me. I can't believe I actually finished this, I mean I had it written out on paper and all, but it's still really cool! Anyway, now that that's done and over with I hope you continue reading my writing.

Alright, now there are somethings I want to mention about the book. I don't know if anyone realized, but I wanted to put this in an ending note so if you didn't you do. These were all really discreet hints so I'm not surprised if you didn't get it.


Okay, so the first one was the view of dawn.

•|• Dawn.

So you know how that was really an important/ not really/ but it was mentioned in important scenes. Such as when Bakugou made his first real confession, and when Izuku told him to wait. Another scene was when Izuku was stabbed, this scene took place at dawn as well. In the book, Izuku really likes the view of the sunrise, but if you noticed all the scenes with dawn had Bakugou in them. So looking deeper into it Izuku felt such a close connection and liking towards sunrise was because many important moments with Bakugou took place there! I know this isn't that obvious, and I didn't want it to be. It was just a little something I thought of!


The next thing would be the Raven that Bakugou saw in the last few chapters.

•|• Raven.

This was just a bit of foreshadowing if you didn't realize. I thought it was a bit more obvious than the other hints but again, it's fine if nobody realized. Ravens are "often associated with loss and ill omen. Yet its symbolism is complex. As a talking bird, the raven also represents prophecy and insight." So yeah, it almost foreshadowed that Izuku and Bakugou were going to suffer for a while, however, it also shows insight and prophecies, and in this case, it would be their promise of forever, which did happen if you read the ending chapters.


Another mention would be the flower crown Izuku gave Bakugou.

•|• The Purple Lilac Flower Crown

So flowers represent a lot in books, and just like that the purple lilacs were picked for a purpose. The flowers signify first love, and in Izuku and Bakugou's case, it was pretty accurate.


The next thing would be the epilogue poem.

•|• Poem.

Okay so I'm not going to explain everything because I'm sure you got it, but just a few short things. So the part about a Raven call was explained before. I'm not really sure what to explain here so if you have any questions ask them here and I'll answer!


The last thing would have to be the importance of the seasons.

•|• Seasons.

Alright so with the seasons I just wanted to show how they grew. I didn't really look into the seasons, or I didn't plan it out at the start, but it was a nice touch to the book so I put it in. Also, I wanted to show a well-rounded relationship. By the end of this book, they had loved for a year. It organized their journey better and so I added it in.


Anyway, that was it! I hope you enjoyed and read my other books! Remember the Q&A in the chapter called "Summer" will be open for an extra day tomorrow and after that, the answers will come out. So if you have any extra questions after reading the book go back to that chapter and drop the questions! You have today and tomorrow to do so! 

- Blue💙

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