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Bakugou had always seen Izuku in rags, his hair messy, and uneven, but today he looked, almost princely. 

His messy curls were nicely styled, his clothes looked ironed and neat, even his face had a slightly brighter glow on it. Bakugou had to admit, as cute and lovable Izuku looked in his usual attire, he didn't really hate this change. Why did he even care though? It's not like he actually thought Izuku was cute.

Bakugou almost walked up to him, almost. He knew what the consequences of talking to a mere servant was, however that doesn't mean he couldn't get close. He strode towards the Northerners, lightly bowing at the King and Queen before they excused themselves. 


| Bakugou POV |

After a while, I saw Shinso leave as well. He went over to one of the guards, he went over to Kaminari. 

Since when did they get friendly? I thought but didn't spend too much time thinking. 

It was just me and Izuku...and her royal princess, Jiro. 

"Prince Bakugou, come with me," she said before walking. I scoffed at how bossy she was but I sadly had to follow her.

"What," I said making sure to show her how annoyed I was.

"Oh, so now you're going to be mad, may I remind you what you said the other day, we have to think of something, you didn't even come to see me!" she shrieked back, but in a whisper.

"Well, I have better things to do than hang out with some arrogant little ungrateful, spoiled brat so if all you had to do was complain I will gladly leave so you can talk to a pillar, I bet it would hear you out better," I spat back.

" Ugh, you're so annoying, I don't get why anyone would fawn over you," 

"Maybe, I just hate you," 

"Maybe, I do too!" she huffed before walking away not letting her anger show in her graceful movements. 

I pinched my nose in annoyance before walking back out. I could hear the loud music engulfing the crowd. The music was a slow yet joyful foxtrot melody. Couples danced with smiles on their faces, and others feasting on the food. I honestly couldn't really learn to dance for too long so I decided that there was no reason for me to continue being here. I carefully made my way through the dancing crowd and my way outside the suffocating area. I almost felt how much fresher the air outside was. I walked toward the only place I felt at home in the castle. The Garden. 


I walked deeper into the garden and spotted a very familiar sight. A small boy admiring the patch of flowers, his locks swaying gracefully with the wind. The loud music was still audible from out here, but there was still the sound of swaying trees and the blissfulness of nature. In that mix of music, there was a small boy, and angel, admiring flowers. I knew exactly who it was, how could I not. 

"Remember this was where we first met," I remarked.

He jumped a bit before looking at me. I chuckled a bit at the familiar sight.

"K-Kachan, why aren't you at the ball?" he asked, innocence deep in his eyes. 

"Why aren't you, you look ready," I walked over to Izuku and crouched down beside him.

"I didn't really like it there," his voice faltered a bit in the end.

"Well, then same," I said and then laughed a bit.

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