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| Bakugou POV |

"Ugh, I don't wanna do this bullshit, let me go," I groaned as Kaminari dragged me for another ghastly breakfast.

"I swear on my only brain cell that I am this close to blowing up! Do you even know how hard it is for me to get to do anything these days! This will probably be the last time you have to do this, so suck it up and move," Kaminari groaned, still pulling Bakugou by the arm.

Right, it would. Tomorrow was Saturday, the day of our engagement. I knew we had everything secured, but I was still nervous.

"Hmm, I'm hard to deal with, what about you and eye bags, you don't even inform me when you leave, and then I have guards knocking on my door asking where my guard went," I teased, and it worked. I saw his cheeks flush, and I couldn't have felt even more satisfied.

"Oh my god, I'm supposed to be your guard, but until now I've been your caretaker, counselor, therapist, advisor, and anything but your guard, a man needs some peace," he answered annoyance clear in his voice. But it was obvious he was trying to hide his embarrassment. 

"And what does any of that have to do with you sneaking out to meet Mr. Shitface," I answered, still not satisfied.

"You have no right to say that, literally. And he has a name, it's Shinso. And we're here so please, leave," Kaminari stated and stopped at the door to the breakfast hall.

"Ugh, well I'll see you in the courthouse later," I answered, fixed my tuxedo a bit, and walked in with the most emotionless face.


"Isn't it a delight! We are practically family after tomorrow!" The Northern King guffawed.

I am pretty sure I visibly gaged at his statement and Jiro seemed to notice, it would explain her kicking me in the shin. 

"Yes, what an honor although we might have had some ups and downs through the way, tomorrow it'll be sealed," my father cheered, his gaze clearly aimed at me. 

I tried ignoring it, but his gaze was neverending. 

"Seems like the prince isn't quite enjoying breakfast," he shifted his gaze towards me," You've been poking around at your food ever since," Shinso suddenly asked, waking me up from my trance.

Ugh, I wish Kaminari already told him. I thought to myself, looking at how absolutely clueless he was. 

"Are you alright, I'm sorry are we boring you, maybe you should talk to him," the Northern king butted in. He nudged Jiro's shoulder telling her to talk to me, and honestly, I just wanted to sit quietly. 

"No, I'm okay, just hand me some water," I quickly voiced, I'm pretty sure they saw my eye twitch in annoyance. 

I drank the water to soothe my anger. I was almost fragile right then. Not in a delicate way, but in a bomb kind of way. If anything triggered me I was sure I might've exploded everyone there. 

After what felt like years the breakfast finally ended, and I kid not when I say I practically ran out of there. 

The only thing I wanted to do right then was to be anywhere beside Izuku. It was weird, he made me feel calm, relaxed, and recently...something else. Yeah, something else. I didn't know what it was, but boy was it strong. I even dreamt about it, and I haven't had a dream like that in a very long time. Ever since that kiss in the library, there was this feeling of wanting, maybe even desire. It was more than just being beside him. I wanted to kiss him; ravish him; posses him; I wanted to make him mine. And it wasn't something that I just knew how to do, it was more of an instinctive thing that just naturally came to me. It annoyed me, but I couldn't hate it. 

Anyway, whatever this was, it was useless to think about it now. I couldn't meet Izuku even if I wanted to. Since tomorrow was the day, the servants had a lot of work to do. And in all honesty, it wasn't even needed. They needed to prepare for if something went wrong during the engagement, and a plan C if the plan b went wrong. They didn't even prepare the food yet, it was supposed to be freshly made tomorrow. I swear when I get married to Izuku I'm doing it without anyone. 

I spend the rest of the day in idle chatter with the arriving guests. There were so many...it was perfect. But at one point I couldn't move a muscle. When I finally got to my room, I was exhausted.  

I had nervousness tearing me apart, but I also had trust keeping me together. I trusted that we could do this, and even though I wasn't an optimist, I didn't like losing. It was something I felt forever, if I put my mind to something, I wasn't going to lose, I loved winning more than anything else, and I never thought of it as a bad thing. 

With another few minutes of self dread, and then spurs of motivation I gave up and slept. Whatever tomorrow held would be known tomorrow. There were chills down my spine and I didn't know if they were of the excitement or the fear. But I let my thought's rest because I'd be willing to use them up tomorrow. 


"I'm not doing it, can't we just...not," a voice said, almost brightening up the darkroom.

"I knew you'd do this, you always get too attached, fine go, but I won't hold back, not even for you," the other voice hissed.

"B-but they did nothing wrong why are you-"

"You know full well the reason to all of this, so unless you want this to be a massacre, I suggest you leave and not tell a single soul about this," the voice hissed ready to leave.

"I swear I'll stop you, you wicked monster," the gentler voice spoke. 

"Is yapping all you can do, shut up," rasped the cold voice and left. 

"I'll never let you live you bastard," the female whispered. The calm one.

"Ha, you're going to regret betraying him," another voice, also female, hissed from the corner. 

"None of your business," the other voice said.

A scowl appeared on the other female's face. 


She went up to the other, in a moment of rage, and without thinking slapped her. 

"Ha, you think acting like you're high and mighty will actually make you that," she spoke not even fazed by the slap that had hit her.

"Y-you damned," the other girl said preparing her hand for another slap, but the other girl caught it just before, and returned the favor by striking her instead.   

"Know your place," the girl who was before pleading, now sounded much more strong.

She walked out of the room, not sparing a single glance at the girl before. 


Defeating your enemies will only give them an untimely death. Let them live, so they live to see you succeed any boundary that held you back. It may take many years, countless struggles, and give you painful memories, but trust me, there is no better satisfaction than to see the one that made you suffer cry at your upbringing. I'm pretty sure she was messing around when she said that, but maybe she wasn't. 

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