37. [M]

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It wasn't something Izuku always thought about but right then he realized the anatomy of their bodies was scarily compatible. He never realized how perfectly their lips fit one another, or how synced their kisses were. But right then he seemed to notice every little detail. 

It was like the first time they kissed, but they were much more mature now...both in mind and body. It wasn't just Bakugou ravishing Izuku now. It was Bakugou ravishing Izuku, and Izuku savoring every moment of it. And in a way that was much more vehement.

"Hmm, you seem to have gotten better at this," Bakugou commented finally pulling away from Izuku. However, there was no point in talking to the smaller boy then, his face showed that he was clearly in no condition to answer. It was a face only Bakugou ever saw, and a face only he could describe. 

It was hard to hold back, for both of them. The second they pulled away they were reeled back in. There was no resistance to their actions and that just seemed to tempt each other even more. With each kiss getting slopier, their conscience slowly fading, the heat steadily rising, each moment was suppressed under their yearn for one another. They were both deep in their thoughts of one another. Falling down a cascade into an ocean filled with desire. And their longing for one another just couldn't be deluded so quickly this time. 

And perhaps it was the sudden warmth of his fingers or the roughness of his huge hands, maybe even the hungry stare that was directed at him, but Izuku seemed to crave for it, a bit too much.

"K-Kachan, don'-" He couldn't hide the gasp that left his lips when the other slid his hands beneath his shirt. His hands exploring every untouched region; not leaving out a single spot. 

"K-Kachan, st-sto-" Izuku was barely able to say anything beyond the other's name. And Bakugou was loving that the only words that left Izuku's lips were his name. He couldn't help but want more. 

"Hey, Izu let me do this..." Bakugou whispered into the youngers ear.

Izuku let out a wavering breath, debating the options in his head. However, even he knew what he truly wanted to do right then.

He stood on his toes as he closed the distance, which by the way, was mere centimeters.

"Do whatever you want Kachan..." His voice dazed in desire.

Bakugou didn't waste another second after he got the okay from Izuku.

"Mmf, K-Kachan," another moan left the younger's lips as he felt a soft peck on his neck.

Peppered kisses traveled down his neck with each one their patience running thin. Eventually, Bakugou pulled Izuku's collar down to reveal more of the pale skin.

"Perfect," he mumbled to himself, eyeing the small hickeys he left on the freckled boy the day before. It was like a blank canvas now had a signature, it now belonged to someone.

He kept sucking and biting random spots, hands still fondling around with Izuku. And Izuku slowly losing himself to be solely controlled by the other. 

"Ka-Kacha-Ahh," Izuku was barely hanging on. His mind was filled with pure ecstasy as the foreign feeling of pleasure seized his body. 

Izuku didn't realize when he tilted his head for Bakugou to get more space or the moans that kept leaving his mouth. It was such an unfamiliar feeling that he had absolutely no control over it, except for the one causing it. Except for Bakugou and that thought made him shiver in his shoes. 

"Ah! Kacchan!" Izuku's moaned as Bakugou bit his neck, his hands tightly wrapping around the blonde's neck. 

He could feel the blonde smirk on the skin of his neck. It was the small sadistic side that he had, and Izuku couldn't help but find that appealing as well. 

Izuku felt himself snuggling closer against the blonde boy. Passionate whispers, and slurred moans filling the air as they turned into animals in heat. 

"K-Kachan, d-don't," he fumbled as he spoke his eyes finally looking up into Bakugou's. But no words were exchanged for Izuku to know that Bakugou wasn't stopping. His crimson eyes glazed in a wild frenzy was all it took for Izuku to understand that there was no stopping now. With all attempts of resistance failed, Izuku was left with nothing but his empty thoughts, which he mindlessly blabbered out.

"K-Kachan, y-you're blushing, you look really~ handsome," he mumbled, his eyes staring into the others. His blushed freckled cheeks, messy clothes, disheveled hair, dazed eyes, erotic expression, everything, everything about him seemed to invite Bakugou. It have been the embarrassment, or maybe it was the urge to lock up Izuku and keep him all for himself, but what happened next was completely unfathomed.

"Y-you-" Bakugou stuttered, surprised by the comment and conceivably something more.

Izuku heard him sigh before he looked back at him. His eyes giving off the teary warmth of love, yet the fiery flame of lust. Izuku saw him loosen the bow around his neck, and he couldn't help but bite his bottom lip at the view.

"Well, stop staring," he heard the blonde say before he felt his vision turn dark.

"K-kacha-" he couldn't finish his sentence due to the warm lips that came crashing into his. The fancy lace hindering his vision as his senses heightened. He felt the lace tighten, and Bakugou's hands grab onto random strands of his hair, pulling his head back. With his vision blocked everything seemed much more sensitive. Every moment came as a surprise, every breath tickled his spine, every touch startled him to the bone.

"Ka-mmf- Kacha-" he tried calling the name of his lover, but through the kisses, it just sounded like anonymous muffles.

"Hmm, what is it?" Bakugou asked, but it was clear he was just teasing him.

"T-take the lace o-Mmf," he felt a tingle go down his spine as Bakugou slowly slid his hands back underneath his shirt, this time opening up the buttons.

"L-let me sp-" Izuku couldn't stop himself from letting gasps and moans leave his mouth as he felt the random touches of warm fingers caressing his shivering body. Immeasurable waves of pleasure going through him every time Bakugou touched him. 

A loud gasp left his mouth as he felt Bakugou kiss his collar bone. It wasn't supposed to be that arousing but at that moment every touch felt like it was his first. And it only got worse from there on, or maybe worse isn't the right word to describe it.

He felt the kisses trail down, further below his neck, as Bakugou left hickeys down the freckled boy's entire body. 

"K-Kachan," he moaned, one hand grabbing onto his hair in an attempt to stop him from going any lower. But that only seemed to tantalize the blonde even more.

He slipped one of his legs in between Izuku's rubbing on something hard, causing Izuku's mind to go into an even deeper state of intoxication. His back arching, as an audible gasp left his mouth. His body visibly shivering at the sensation. 

"K-Kachan! Sto-nngh" he loudly moaned, his hands sliding beneath the blonde's shirt, tightly clutching onto his back.

"Why? You seem to like it," Bakugou coaxed in a teasing manner; pressing his knee on just a bit bit harder.

Nothing but moans left Izuku's mouth, and Bakugou knew he wasn't getting an answer.

"Damnit Izu," he groaned, and for that second he might've been happy he put a blindfold on.

"K-Kacha-" Izuku moaned but was interrupted again. And it wasn't Bakugou's fault this time. 

Knock. Knock.

"Your highness,"


Sometimes life might throw the unexpected at you, but that doesn't mean you stop your fun for it, now does it. She had said before, and maybe Bakugou took that the wrong way.

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