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After eating I stood back up and decided to head towards my room. While walking I suddenly saw the princess standing there admiring some of the artwork.

Sigh, I suppose I have to greet her, I thought to myself before walking in her direction.

"Good afternoon, Princess, how do you do," I said my exhaustion almost showing.

"Very well, your highness, and how about you," she said directing her attention away from the painting and to me now. I swear I head her scowl when I walked over, probably me just my imagination.

"I'm fine, you seem to like the artwork in the palace," I said again trying to initiate conversation.

"Oh yes it's dazzling," she said with such fake excitement around her voice, although she probably thought I didn't realize. 

"Umm, I just want to say," I mean so you don't get hurt in the future, but "I haven't signed the marriage form and nor do I intend to okay. I don't want to marry you, I mean your not a bad person it's just, I would rather not." I didn't mean to sound so cold but I just didn't know how to sound nicer. I was hoping that she would get sad and run off telling her father how awful of a person I am and that she didn't want to marry me but instead she grabbed me by the collar and yelled back.

"Listen here, champ, do I look like I want to marry you as well, have I even tried talking to you, hell nah, so it ain't just you who was forced into this!" she said and finally let go of my collar.

"So since you don't want to marry me either, that's great so now both of us can find a way to show our fathers that this marriage totally won't work and, boom, they won't force us to get married, capease, "I was still in awe at what just happen. The graceful, elegant princess had changed into...this, in seconds, and she didn't want to marry me either, then why didn't she call off the marriage with her dad in the first place!

"Then why didn't you tell your father you didn't want to marry me, and get your hands off me," I asked back.

"Why didn't you," she said giving me a questioning look before saying something again.

"Precisely, my dad forced me and I assume yours did too, so even if both of us deny they won't listen we have to show them that both our countries would fall into shambles if we get married,"  she answered her own question.

"Anywho, I have to leave now, and remember this stays between us," she said glaring at me one last time before leaving to the dining hall.

I was a bit surprised, was she really the princess that had initially entered, well what's done's done and I'm happy she didn't want to marry me either. I started heading off to my room once again before I heard yelling from somewhere.

Seriously, I thought, why all the distraction, I just wanna sleep.

 I groaned but went to see what was happening anyway. At that moment I was thankful I did.

There was a blonde girl, two buns on the side of her head. Her eyes were a bright golden, her hair buns were very messy. What surprised me was that she was yelling at the small green-haired boy. The freckled boy looked like he was on the verge of tears. Then suddenly the girl lifted her hand, clearly about to slap him.

I rushed over and grabbed her hand by the wrist and glared at her.

"What's the matter, I'm sure it could be solved without the violence," I said before letting go of her wrist. I would've broken it in anger if not.

"It's none of your business, your highness, he just didn't follow orders properly," she said, "Oh, and you can leave now," she said again this time directing her attention towards the frail boy.

He bowed before me before rushing away.

I walked away from the girl. I didn't want to talk to her and now that the boy was gone there was no point.

Then I remembered that I should have asked for his name. I facepalmed my self hard before opening the doors of my room and collapsing on the bed.


| Shinkami Ahead |

Kaminari was walking around the castle making his daily runs. He was thinking about how Bakugou had totally fallen head over heels for the boy, but of course, Bakugou would never admit it. He was kind of jealous of the feeling, he wanted to find love as well. He didn't realize that he was so fixed into his thoughts that he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you hurt anywhere," he spontaneously asked as he looked up he saw the face of the person. It was a boy with purple hair running wild, his eyes had huge darkcircles but and his features were sharp. He looked like a mess, but Kaminari almost drooled at how attractive the person looked.

"I'm fine, watch where your going next time," the person asked back, noticing Kaminari's unwavering stare.

"O-oh, well I'm fine as well if you were wondering, and what's your name," he quickly asked wanting to know as much about the person as possible. Kaminari's bright attitude just deluded how stingy Shinsou was used to acting.

"Shinso, Hitoshi Shinso, and you are...," the tired boy answered a scowl still visible on his face. 

"Denki Kaminari, it's nice to see you, and again I'm sorry for bumping into you, you sure you aren't hurt," Kaminari asked once more hoping he hadn't hurt the beautiful stranger named Shinso. 

"Yeah, well I'm in a hurry so I'll head out, " Shinsou boringly spoke before leaving the guard on his own.

Kaminari couldn't believe it. He had seen many handsome people in his time working at the palace, but none as...facinating maybe, as Shinso. Something about his cold appearance, deep voice, tired expression(which he found cool) seemed to pull Kaminari in. He suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach and couldn't believe what had just happened. He quickly straightened himself back up and continued on his rounds. This time with a bit of a pep in his step. 

He remembered something he had once heard from her,

Love attacks like a speeding arrow,

You were never warned before getting hit,

Kaminari grinned a bit, I surely wasn't, miss. He thought as he continued to walk.


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