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When I first laid eyes on him,

I thought he was an aspiration of my dreams.

We were worlds apart,

He was the bright mornings...and I the dark nights.

We were worlds apart...

and I felt my heart let up its guard.

But his crimson orbs waged a war.

The way of his words, messed with my roads.

Every moment with him,

Defied all sense of reality.

And before I could comprehend it,

he was right there beside me.

We were no longer worlds apart,

and I was scared.

But he dared.

I fell into his pace.

And we suddenly shared a fate.

Yet, I was weak.

I couldn't resist.

Like a poisoned drug, he lured me.

And I soon realized...I had helplessly fallen in a sea.

A sea of desire, a sea of fire.

A sea filled with lust, yet dipped in trust.

A happy feeling that filled me with glee, showed me what it truly meant to be free.

And I could slowly feel the becoming of this new sensation he called love.

Everyone judged and observed.

Yet, we danced under the stars without a worry in the world.

I couldn't stop smiling.

Everything felt so inviting.

And somewhere along the road,

I found myself wishing I could stay by his side forever.

We made a promise, but they said it was impossible.

We loved through the night, but they said it wasn't right.

We swore a lifetime, and they said it was a crime.

I only sought for his touch, yet they were there to judge.

But we had each other,

and that was enough.

But they would still glare...

Yet, we didn't lose hope, we didn't leave to mope.

Nevertheless, like the plague, they stopped at nothing.

They tightened their choke until we broke.

We grasped onto our shattered pieces.

Our wounds bleeding through day and night.

But we held on till we lost all blood.

Till we had nothing more to give, nothing more to live.

In the void of darkness, we lived off the recollection of light.

However, the memories only ever stayed in our minds.

The blood only ever bled.

And the days only ever passed.

Until the ravens call finally led to our fall.

I lost everything, he lost his everything.

However...even then I believed in forever.

That we were connected by a string.

That one day you could give me that ring.

And we could show our wings.

No matter how long I wait.

I'll never stop...

Because we swore to start at forever,

and end at never.


- The End -

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