54. [M]

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| 6 months later |


"Kachan~ Y-you hav- mmf" Izuku tried talking Bakugou into going to work, but clearly, it wasn't going anywhere.

"Izu, we have a few minutes," Bakugou said through kisses, and Izuku couldn't help but give in to the devil's fruit.

"F-Fine just for a wh-while," Izuku spoke, but that was probably the biggest lie he'd ever said. It had been a week or two since Bakugou and Izuku went all the way. This was their second time, but the sexual tension between them was just as strong as ever. With every touch against Bakugou's skin, Izuku felt the heat in his body rise. He remembered the last time, the rough yet gentle touch, the deep voice in his ear, the sensation when Bakugou put his- Izuku stopped his thoughts right there, his body turning into a deeper shade of red.

Bakugou seemed to notice the sudden change in Izuku complexion, smirking to himself at the flushed blushed boy. With that Bakugou slipped down, sucking on Izuku's neck. His hands pushing Izuku's head back as he sucked on the evident bump on Izuku's throat. He could almost feel every time Izuku swallowed a deep breath in, every time a moan was let out. It was almost tantalizing. He slowly made his way down to Izuku's collar. His kisses gradually trailing down Izuku's stomach. Soft moans leaving Izuku's mouth even through his bit lip, and Bakugou felt a fire lit under him with every sound. His lips gently kissing Izuku's toned stomach, as his hands unbuckled the belt strapped around the younger's waist. He could feel every quiver, every gasp miserably hidden under Izuku's breath ever so vividly.

Bakugou brought one of Izuku's legs on his shoulder, his hands sliding behind Izuku.

"K-Kachan...wh-where are you to- Ah~" Izuku moaned as Bakugou groped his ass.

"Kach-ah-an, don-" much to Izuku's disappointment Bakugou slid his fingers in.

Izuku erupted in moans as Bakugou teased him. His voice completely enslaved by the blonde as he slowly lost all control over his body. Bakugou kept biting and sucking on Izuku's inner thigh, marking the greenette as his.

"Kacha-ah!" Izuku couldn't get very far with the sentences he tried making. His voice refused to go beyond his lover's name. Bakugou bit onto Izuku pale flesh, earning a loud gasp out of the trembling boy. Izuku's back arching as he felt his hips thrust forward at the sudden sensation.

"k-kacha-an~ D-Don't-" Izuku could've sworn he saw something glint in Bakugou's eyes at the moment. Bakugou slipped his fingers out, Izuku letting out a muffled plead at the loss of sensation. Bakugou unbuckled his own pants, finally feeling some relief from the tight hold it had.

"Izuku let me put it in," Bakugou asked, looking into Izuku's eyes filled with lust and glazed for seduction.

"Y-Yeah..." was all Izuku could mutter through his dazed trance. Bakugou couldn't resist as he connected their lips. Literally, eating Izuku up as he sucked against the smaller lips. Izuku's desirable moans allowing for Bakugou's tongue to slip in, as Izuku desperately hung on for any restraint.

"Kachan...put it in already~" Izuku pleaded, bringing a hand down at the bulge in Bakugou's pants. Izuku saw the way Bakugou scrunched his eyebrows at the sudden touch of warmth, only turning him on more.

"Dammit Izu," Bakugou mumbled as he lifted Izuku's waist up.

"Kachan~" Izuku felt words leave his mouth uncontrollably as he felt Bakugou's tip prod at his asshole.

That was all it took to have Bakugou reach his limit of restrain. Without another wasted breath, he slid the rest of his length in, Izuku trembling at the sensation, his breath hitching; wasted moans leaving his lips as he let Bakugou corrupt his body.

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